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My Giratina Lv X Deck (no name ATM)


Aspiring Trainer
Working on my deck for league play right now and need some help. Here's what I've come up with.
Deck strat: deck/hand disruption and damage spread. I want to make it hard for my opponent to react to what I'm doing. It's been pretty effective so far, I'm 4/5 with this deck as of last weekend. Just need some finishing touches.

Pokemon (24):
2x Giratina Lv X (PL-124)
2x Giratina (PL-10)
1x Gengar Lv X (AR-97)
2x Gengar (AR-17)
2x Haunter (TM-35)
3x Gastly (TM-63)
2x Slowking (CL-32)
3x Slowpoke (CL-70)
1x Jirachi (CL-11)
2x Mime Jr (CL-47)
2x Seviper (CL-51)
2x Zangoose (CL-39)

Trainer/Support/Stadium (19):
3x Team Rocket's Trickery (UD-78)
3x Pokemon Communication (HS-98)
2x Interviewer's Questions (CL-79)
2x Life Herb (UL-79)
2x Potion (RS-91) [Best artwork IMO]
1x Aaron's Collection (RR-88)
1x Professor Oak's New Theory (HS-101)
1x Good Rod (UL-76)
1x Twins (TM-89)
1x Ruins of Alph (UD-76) [I play against a lot of metal decks in my league.]

Energy Cards (17):
14x Psychic Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
1x Rescue Energy

I know Gengar Prime would be great in this deck, but I don't have any right now. I'll probably shell out for at least 1 before cities here. Also thinking about replacing the Sevipers but I don't know what do do with them. I think I also need some serious trainer work. I'm open to all suggestions!
If you are running a disruption deck, use the let loose giratina. It is imo, the best giratina out right now. I'm running a very similar deck to this. Run at least 1 gengar SF, because both giratina x and gengar x/ar take at least 3 energy cards to attack with, you need something to start off on the offensive, and gengar sf is great for early sniping/spreading with just one energy.
I actually have a gengar sf I can throw in. Once I get my gengar prime ill throw in a couple lost worlds and have a solid lostgar deck. Which giratina should I be looking for? I haven't played in POP for a long time and I'm not familiar with all the new sets yet lol. Thanks for the feedback!

Oh abd are there better gastly/haunter I could be using?
Cool thanks ill look for them in trades when I play this weekend. Should I also use collector instead of communication? I haven't pulled any yet so ill need to find a few of those. Any traier suggestions beyond that?
Miasma Valley, does 2 damage to any Non Grass/psychic pokemon when played on the bench. Run Palmers instead of aarons or fisherman instead. Fisherman gets four energy back in your hand. Those are a few things i run in my Giratina deck.
Edit: you should get collectors if you can.
I'd be a little weary to play Miasma Valley because of my slowpokes and Zangoose, it would make them easy sniping targets. But I'll replace Aaron's with a fisherman if I can find one, and maybe one of the communications with a collector. I am also purchasing a Gengar prime soon, which will be a nice addition. I'll be adding in Lost World and and Seekers, and replacing the Sevipers with the color tag Spiritomb. Hopefully the combo of disruption/lostgar will work for me in states.