Tbh, I was slacking off on posting my opinions on stuff because I was fairly sure nobody would see it. 
My thoughts on The Cutie Re-Mark (And speculation for Season 6):
My thoughts on The Cutie Re-Mark (And speculation for Season 6):
My thoughts on the very first viewing were "Wow, this is the most screwed-up and dark thing MLP has ever done". I still think that multiple views later. My favorite universe was definitely the World War Sombra universe; it was awesome (and sorta depressing) to see what everypony was doing to give to the cause, especially Pinkie and Maud!
And Rarity in the Nightmare Moon universe dissing Spike...I have a feeling he may never look at her the same way ever again, even though it was an alternate reality.
I wouldn't be lying if I said that Starlight's backstory was lackluster and her reformation was a little rushed, but hey, they had a limited amount of time to work with so I'm willing to give it a pass. (Also, filly Starlight was so adorable! <3) Honestly, it opens the door to so many potential episodes for season 6. Maybe they can have an entire episode going more in-depth with Starlight's villain origin story, showing how she grew up pretty much in isolation and ending with her starting up her village. Also, an episode where Twilight and Starlight go on a wild goose chase through Canterlot in order to reunite and reconcile with Sunburst.
I'm also hoping to see more of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon now that they're reformed.
Oh, and an episode with the birth of Cadance and Shining Armor's baby! I'm pretty hyped for that one!
And Rarity in the Nightmare Moon universe dissing Spike...I have a feeling he may never look at her the same way ever again, even though it was an alternate reality.
I wouldn't be lying if I said that Starlight's backstory was lackluster and her reformation was a little rushed, but hey, they had a limited amount of time to work with so I'm willing to give it a pass. (Also, filly Starlight was so adorable! <3) Honestly, it opens the door to so many potential episodes for season 6. Maybe they can have an entire episode going more in-depth with Starlight's villain origin story, showing how she grew up pretty much in isolation and ending with her starting up her village. Also, an episode where Twilight and Starlight go on a wild goose chase through Canterlot in order to reunite and reconcile with Sunburst.
I'm also hoping to see more of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon now that they're reformed.
Oh, and an episode with the birth of Cadance and Shining Armor's baby! I'm pretty hyped for that one!
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