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My new TDK deck

Lvl 100 Bidoof

Too cool for Bibarel
Hi everyone
This is my second attempt at making a TDK list.
I think I've found a decent balance, but need help looking for flaws that I overlooked. Thanks!

  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 3 Kyurem PLF
  • 2 Thundurus EX
  • 1 Keldeo EX
  • 1 Lugia EX
  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 1 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Team Plasma Ball
  • 4 Catcher
  • 3 Colress machine
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Switch
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Bicycle
  • 2 Frozen City
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 4 Blend Energy WLFM
  • 4 Plasma Energy
Basic Plasma deck. Frozen City is because at the league I attend everything is super rogue and this helps immensely. Lugia is because I like Lugia and come from behind crazy wins. Bicycle is to help make this possible.
You need to max out the Bikes because it maxes out the consistency of this deck. Drop a Scrapper, (two is fine), DCE, and the Frozen City. Because you only play one City, it's easy for them to drop a Virbank and call it a day.
+1 frozen city (1 is just too inconsistent, 2 helps ensures you will have one out for the majority of the game)
+1 silver bangle (3 is the bare minimum to run since you expect alteast 1 to be scrappered)

-1 bicycle (its not the best draw support + running 13 supporters is fine)
-1 ultra ball (3 poke search cards is enough)

Hope I helped :)
Changes I have made:
+1 Frozen City
+1 Bicycle
+1 Silver Bangle

-1 DCE
-1 Tool Scrapper
-1 Ultra Ball

The reason I only added 1 more bike is because it's too situational (imo) for it to be worth it to max out. I added 1 frozen city because that helps with stadium wars. +1 Bangle so that Kyurems can almost always have 1. I would've liked to keep DCE for lugia, but decided it was fine since my Ace Spec of choice is Scramble switch. Keep the advice coming please!
You still need to run DCE since you play lugia, you really have to play it with 2 DCE's or its not that good in the deck. Or just take lugia out to free up some space.