My OU Beasts


This isn't that clever. Really.

Breloom @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 56 Def / 200 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Seed
-Focus Punch
- Spore
- Substitute

My SubPuncher. Idea is to set up Spore T1 and then Sub away to set up a Focus Punch. I'm pretty sure that Bullet Seed is standard since Technician boosts that move. 252 Atk and 200 Spe and 56 Def are usually my standard EV set. What about Poison Heal for this set? Since Technician doesn't boost Focus Punch I though the extra HP could help.


Gyarados @ Life Orb
Trait: Moxie
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
One of my favourite sweepers in the game. This set is Gyrardos's Ability Moxie boosts attack by +1 whenever he knocks out a Pokemon. Life Orb gives him a little more oomfth to him. He has great coverage to deal with most things. Waterfall is his powerful STAB. But what about Aqua Tail? It's got a little more power but doesn't have that flinch effect.


Latios @ Choice Spec
Trait: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

My own dragon pal. away. I prefer Psyshock over Psychic just because I don't wanna get walled by Blissey. Draco Meteor is a beast of a move, knocking almost anything out with neutral Resistance. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt for great coverage. I was thinking about giving him 4 Spe instead of 4 SDef?


Dancer (Scizor) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Bug Bite
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- Swords Dance

A second Technician. My priority puncher. Bug Bite great for those Alakazam's which he walls. Pursuit is a hard one to timed but when right, it's pretty darn effective. Swords Dance can be the difference between a 3HKO or a 2HKO. Aaaaaand Bullet Punch for punchies.


Heatran @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature

- Flash Cannon
- Flamethrower
- Protect
- Stealth Rocks

He sets up Hazards while providing a decent offensive movepool. Flamethrower and Flash Cannon are his STABs. Hopefully getting the Burn from Flamethrower. Protect is to scout. And SR for giving Pokemon like Volcarona and Dragonite problems. He's quite a Bulky Heatran too.


Batman (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Impish Nature

- Earthquake
- Sword Dance
- Stone Edge
- Break Brake

He's great because while setting up Sword Dance, he gets back HP from Toxic Orb. Making him hard to kill and a strong offensive threat. Break Brake is for breaking Screens. Earthquake is his STAB and with +2 from Sword Dance, He OHKO's anything with Neutral or Weakness.

RMT please if there is anything else you would like to know just ask. Thanks
I'm not an expert on OU but I'll give my 2 cents...
- You have 3 Pokemon weak to Ice, that's not good. At least two of your pokes hard counter it though (Scizor and Heatran)
- On Breloom. Looks alright to me, but you know the term SubPunch came from Substitute + Focus Punch right? I would drop Mach Punch
for Focus Punch.
- On Gyarados. You don't need Bounce. Oh yay it's stab and yeah paralysis is okay sometimes but you don't want to give your opponent a free switch/protect. Bounce taking two turns just sucks. Usually with a Moxie Poke you want to be using Life Orb + a boosting move or use scarf to come in and sweep/mini-sweep late game. I would change your item to scarf on that and take out Bounce for some other coverage move like Stone Edge. But I also like Salamence as a Scarf-Moxie sweeper but that may just be personal preference.
- On Latios. You can keep it how it is, it seems alright. One thing I would suggest (not sure if this is better) is to use Choice Specs and drop Roost for Ice Beam.
- On Scizor. You'll find Life Orb more useful. Another thing to consider is Roost, but like Latios, I don't know if that's the better option.
- On Heatran. Earth Power's not stab silly XD You want Heatran sticking around so more opportunities to miss with Fire Blast. Heatran's high special attack can allow for Heat Wave or Flamethrower because you want that accuracy. Roar isn't all that useful without hazards honestly. If you want to retain bulky Heatran then I would add a Pokemon to your team with Stealth Rock and drop Earth Power for Toxic and maybe change the item to Leftovers. Or, you could change it to offensive Heatran and use a bunch of coverage moves like me XD
- On Gliscor. Toxic>Facade. Facade isn't that great honestly. On a wall one stab attack move is sufficient, walls are meant to wear down opponents, not use their mediocre attack stat for gimmicky combos.

Hope I was helpful I think if you make some of these changes your team will be better.
Your team is pretty balanced but it has a lot of common issues that I will explain later. Your main issue is that everything on your team can be outsped by sweepers such as choice scarf Garchomp and gengar without threatening them either. I would suggest replacing one of your offensive team mates with a more defensive pokemon that can take on sweepers.

Breloom: focus punch will always out damage Mach punch, it combos well with substitute and spore. The priority given from Mach punch is nice but substitute takes damage from a revenge killer anyways so its not as useful. If you see inconsistent hits from bullet seed, try seed bomb. But other than that, either move is useful. Life orb limits the survivability of this thing, it needs a lot of hp to keep using substitute.

Gyarados: Choice items lead to constant switching, moxie's attack gain becomes null if you switch out, also he's subject to get revenge killed. so either use an intimidate gyarados or life orb. Bounce has poor accuracy and gives your opponent a free switch or set up, replace it with some other coverage move.

Latios: Firstly, white herb is one time use and if it gets intimidated than the item is wasted. Replace it with choice scarf since your running modest and you can just switch out latios after Draco meteor. With scarf, roost becomes a burden, instead run flamethrower for full on coverage.

Scizor: The bug gem is unnecessary since its benefits end after switching and it doesn't combo with anything like acrobatics + unburden + Flying gem does, try something like leftovers since scizor causes lots of switches and those are free recovery turns. Swords Dance is risky since all your opponent needs to do is switch in a steel type to wall it (magnezone, skarmory, another scizor),run superpower instead to counter this.

Heatran: Protect is useless without a toxic user or leftovers, earth power has mediocre damage with the ev yield you used. Replace them With Flash Cannon and Stealth Rock . I'm on the ropes about air balloon. The calm nature however makes this heatran more of a defensive supporter.

Gliscor: I just want to say that this thing cannot go head to head with skarmory, rotom, or gengar. Protect is again redundant since all it offers is an extra turns to recover, ice beam will inevitably hit and ohko it. Substitute is meh, since he'll be poisoned, you don't have to worry about status (one of the main reasons to use substitute) and he's not making any use of it. Facade has terrible coverage in OU.

Use swords dance, and 2 other coverage moves. Gliscor shouldn't be stalling unless you use toxic and even then, your giving your opponent free switches since your move set is easy to read.
You don't need Flash Cannon on Heatran. Steel is a terrible attacking type. Earth Power is a much better option as it is still SE on Rock, but also can hurt opposing Heatrans. Brick Break is completely unnecessary on Gliscor because dual screens aren't used enough to be relevant. Ground has pretty similar coverage, so replace it with Taunt or Roost. Roost is obviously for healing and Taunt works great in conjunction with SD because you can stop your opponent from healing or using Taunt on you and proceed to set up on them, not to mention stopping them from setting up boosts or hazards. Replace Stone Edge with Ice Fang. There's nothing in particular that you need Stone Edge for, while Ice Fang is more useful against certain Pokemon like Dragons and opposing Gliscor.
Okay so, firstly Hi :D .
Second : Latios , What's With The HP EVs o_O ? Spd EVs is better . 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd.
Third : Heatran is Better On Attacking , but can use a support option too . But Flash Cannon ? o_O Lava Plume is Better in Conjunction with protect stealth and Roar .
Fourth : Whats With Gyarados ? o_O
Try Dragon Dance . If u want to keep that EVs then i have a moveset for you .

Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers
200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spd
Trait : Moxie
Adamant Nature (+Atk,-SpA)

-Dragon Dance

By this set . U take a more defensive approach . Sub up to something that gyarados threatens . Dragon Dance Up . And Spam Waterfall and Bounce . this two STAB moves have Impressive Coverage .
Lastly : Gliscor has poison Heal . Why not use the more defensive one with swords dance and facade . BTW facade's power is 140 when u have Status .

Gliscor (M)@ Toxic Orb
184 HP / 252 Atk / 72 Spd
Trait : Poison Heal
Jolly Nature (+Spd,-SpA)

-Swords Dance

Thats All , hope i helped

@grantm1999 , yep sometimes bounce is bad sometimes its good . Its our own personal preference , but . STAB is way better than Anything . :p just my opinion no offense . Lol