Wi-Fi Trades My Player Thread

RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

trade ya a registeel for your shiny metang
deal regiice for a shiny metang

my friend code is 1031 7769 7518
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

Probopass: I should be available until 5:00 pm EST, so just PM me if you're on
Random: Ok, I'll trade you the Aggron* for a ghastly*
Swarm: IT SAYS ANY RSEM/FRLG ITEMS FOR A REASON! Also, sorry but I don't breed for natures (plus it won't lay a shiny egg anyway)
LegendaryPokemaster: I'll do Regice for Metang*
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

I'm interested in Metang*, Cyndaquil* and Kyogre*. Check my player thread for my shinies, Deoxys etc. I also have all Hoenn legends, legendary birds and Ditto with flawless Att and Sp.Att. However, I'm not getting the game for ages.
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

Junichi said:
Probopass: Sorry about that, I spaced the Dubius Disc's name originally, and then I found it in the game. I checked, and I don't have explosion, so sorry about that. I won't ask for an item then.

Random: Okay, now what do you want for it?
Ho-oh: How about a Lugia?
Alakazam: The only one I need is the Altaria*. What do you want for it?

Ok, that is a deal
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

ok well were you still up for the trade of my shiny altaria for any shiny you have please tell me by pming me?!thank-you
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

Legendary: I'll be on around 5:30 pm EST today
kiezzer: I don't need it, but do you have Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtel, Chikorita, Torchic, or Treeko?
Wichu: Post back here when you get the game/get your National 'Dex
Mew: I'm interested in Celebi and Mew
Ho-oh: I'll be on around 5-7pm EST
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

Pm me when you're on then, thanks
RE: My Player Thread (Has Pal Park now!!!)

I have Shiny Dugtrio. Will trade for Shiny Abra!

Can you trade now?