Wi-Fi Trades My Poke Shop

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1. I trade legit pokes, and I want legit pokes.
2. All my events are UT.
3. Ask me for natures and stuff. Don't feel like posting.
4. I have more pokes, just ask.
5. I don't trade nicknamed pokes, and I don't want nicknames pokes.


Typloshin (lv. 100)
Weavile (lv. 100)
Gyrados (lv. 100)
Hariyama (lv. 100)
Octillery (lv. 100)
Kingler (lv. 100)
Vaperon (lv. 100)
Slaking (lv. 100)
Yanmega (lv. 100)
Ariados (lv. 100)
Beautifly (lvl. 100)
Electrive (lv. 100)
Gengar (lv. 100)
Banette (lv. 100)
Froslass (lv. 100)
Magnezone (lv. 100)
Abomasnow (lv. 100)
Mime Jr. (lv. 22)
Primeape (lv. 50)
Fearow (lv. 49)
Whcishcash (lv. 32 and 34)
Happiny (lv. 63
Zubat (lv. 18)
Cascoon (lv. 12)
Rattatata (lv. 47)
Wooper (lv. 27)
Sharpedo (lv. 44)
Sudowoodo (lv. 29
Snubbul (lv. 18)
Ponyta (lv. 21)
Combee (lv. 1)
Bronzor (lv. 14)
Meditite (lv. 13)
Lumineon (lv. 40)
Chingling (lv. 14)
Pikachu (lv. 24)
Tentacreul (lv. 44)
Skitty (lv. 40)
Wingull (lv. 49)
Ratticate (lv. 50)
Snover (lv. 33)
Quagsire (lv. 30)
Noctowl (lv. 39)
Machamp (lv. 48)
Shellos (lv. 24)
Roselia (lv. 22)
Seaking (lv. 39)
Vespiqueen (lv. 30)
Swablu (lv. 27)
Ralts (lv. 22)
Crawdaunt (lv. 100)
Venomoth (lv. 49)
Dustox (lv. 48)
Omanyte (lv. 20)
Illumise (lv. 49)
Volbeat (lv. 49)
Kabuto (lv. 20)
Smeargle (lv. 19)
Pelipper (lv. 40)
Onix (lv. 41)
Minun (lv. 22)
Shieldon (lv. 20)
Voltorb (lv. 29)
Bonsly (lv. 22)
Venomoth (lv. 49)
Girafarig (lv. 30)
Wailord (lv. 40)
Chansey (lv. 22)
Mewtwo (lv. 49)
Budew (lv. 18)
Magnamite (lv. 29)
Scizor (lv. 100)
Houndoom (lv. 100)
Ninetales (lv. 1)

Gamestop Raikou
FAL2010 Mew
Pokemon Movie 10 Shiny Suicune
Pokemon Ranger Manaphy
Gamestop Entei
Gamestop Suicune
WIN2011 Raikou
Pokemon Ranger Manaphy
Pokemon Ranger Manaphy Egg Unhatched
WIN2011 Entei
SUM2010 Jirachi
Gamestop Jirachi
VGC2010 Shiny Eevee
WIN2011 Celebi
Michina Arceus

Spreading Pokerus
Checking Ev's/Iv's

Also I have almost every item, just ask.


Any events I don't have
Shiny ev'd pokes
Ev'd pokes
What do you want for your Shiny Magnemite, Shiny Minun, Shiny Typhlosion, Shiny Venomoth, Shiny Sharpedo, and Shiny Slaking?
I'll throw in a Shiny Latios from the Enigma Stone Event if I can also get your Weavile and Octillery. Can you clone?
Perfect! Let me list out the trade for you:
You: Shiny Magnemite, Shiny Minun, Shiny Typhlosion, Shiny Venomoth, Shiny Sharpedo, Shiny Slaking, Shiny Weavile, and Shiny Octillery
Me: Goon's Scizor, Shiny Ho-Oh, 10th Anniversary Blastoise, Movie 7 Mew, 10th Anniversary Mew, and Shiny Enigma Stone Latios

Sound good?
I'd either wait until he is unbanned, or cancel your trade. you could also try to find his AIM. Or you can EMAIL him
He has been keeping in contact with me via email so I think that is your best option.
do you have a gricious orb? I have a Toys R Us giveaway Mew from back in the day I could trade. if you don't want that you could just ask me for something else. I've got a wide array of pokemon. I would also like a legit Darkrai, or Deoxys if you have them.
The Griseous orb is the thing you use to turn Giritina into its origin forme. do you have a non-shiny Darkrai?
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