My Portfolio :)


Why are you reading this?
My Portfolio ::​

Well, I want people to rate my work because I wonder if I'd be able to do some requests sometime. Feel free to comment on it, as long as it's worth reading :).

My Works ::​


I could have sworn the quality was better, darn PNG.

EDIT :: Looks quite better now with PNG-24 :).


This looks pretty neat, nice and grungy :).


Personally didn't like this one, the text is disappointing for me too.


First vector siggeh :D. BTW, the brushes are by xBrY89x of DeviantART.

I'll put more sooner or later. ._.
Not bad, at all. The only one I can say I don't like is the last one. My favorite is the first one.

Good job d^_^
Yeah, I know it stinks (last one) :x. The first one is a wallpaper, I tried to make mystical powers out of them but I ended up doing something else. BTW, does the quality look bad on it? Because it looks like I put dots or put a noise effect on it, and the second looks fine. ._.

Thanks ^_^.
Well, you're really good but you need to take some better quality pics ^_^
I thought, at first, this was going to be images of the pieces you were going to send to an art school for your application portfolio, but I guess I was wrong. xP

The first one is my favorite. I guess the one thing I don't like about it is the lack of brights to contrast the overall darkness of the banner, but that's a minor detail.

The second one is okay, maybe a nice border would make it look better.

The third one is a bit odd. I think the font choice is fine (maybe some bright whites at the top, like light reflecting off of it, to draw the eye to it), but the amount of the character seen in the banner is strange. It looks really cut off... Like, the rest of the banner (especially its length) draws away from the character. Maybe (unless the point was the draw the eye away) making the length of the banner smaller and having the text closer would have been better.

Overall, nice work. :)
I changed it to a PNG-24, what do you think of the quality now :)?

Xous :: About the first two, they don't have borders because it wouldn't look good on a website or you wouldn't see it. The third one was a request, he used specific sizes, but I suppose I would've made it bigger x_x.

Soul Seeker :: What do you mean better pics? They look fine to me.
I meant the second one, the quality of the guy in it doesn't look good at all.
Is it the brushes I used on him? I set it to hard light just so you know, and doubled the layer. Or, maybe it's the outline? I'm sure that's it :p. Well, I'll be using better ones, thanks for the feedback.
I'm never really into Anime things at all. But, they are alright, what program are you using?
Unknown said:
I changed it to a PNG-24, what do you think of the quality now :)?

Xous :: About the first two, they don't have borders because it wouldn't look good on a website or you wouldn't see it. The third one was a request, he used specific sizes, but I suppose I would've made it bigger x_x.

Oh, I just meant the second one should have a border, not the first two. But I see what you mean - it either wouldn't show up, or wouldn't look good (depending on the border type, of course).

Oh, that makes more sense for the size choice on the third one, then. Why would you have made the third one larger, though? I thought if anything, making the length smaller would be better, but I guess it's all in how you handle it. :D
Rewrite :: I use Photoshop CS.

Xous :: Oops, I meant the last two :p. I wrote it out wrong x_x. Also, about making it bigger I meant the render.