My Sinnoh Journey!

Pelipper Rocks

I also love Drifblim!
I've started a fanfic about my adventure in the Sinnoh region!


After taking 16th place in the Hoenn league, I went back home to Oldale Town. Manectric really took a liking to my sister, so I gave her to her. I decided to leave all my pokemon with Professor Birch and head off to the Sinnoh region to compete in the Sinnoh league. When I was near Twinleaf Town, I saw something flashing in a bush. When I pushed aside the bush, I saw an egg. It was purple and had a big yellow X on it. I looked around for it's mother for an hour or so, but only found a nest of some Parasect and baby Paras and a Burmy hanging from a tree.

I decided to take the egg with me. It was flashing, so I knew it would hatch soon. I walked for a few hours with it, and then it started to glow. A few seconds later a Drifloon hatched from it! He stared at me for a second, blinked, and then flew up and shouted "FLOOOOOOON!" Since I had no pokemon to battle with, I asked him if he wanted to join me for my adventure in Sinnoh. He agreed and I caught him with a pokeball.

I immediately let him out of his ball and introduced myself. He cocked his head. “Drif, drifloon?” He flew over to a nearby tree and picked a Chesto berry from it. Then he wrapped his strings around it. “What is he doing?” I wondered. Drifloon squeezed, and the berry split in two. He floated over and gave me the bigger half.

“Wow! That must have been Constict attack.” I said as I munched on the dry berry. He popped the berry right through his X as though that was his mouth. “Foon!”


I will try to update every day. Please tell me what you think so far!
Here's the next installment! I'm not calling them chapters until I have the whole thing and can organize them.


That evening, as I was walking from Twinleaf town to Sandgem Town, I breifly saw a flash of pink. The next thing I knew, I was on my back. I got up and dusted myself off. I looked up just in time to see something pink dissapear behind a tree. I heard what sounded like a Pokemon laghing. "Buh, bun bun!" I looked behind the tree, but there was nothing there. "Hmmm," I mumbled. "I wonder what that was?"

As I continued down the path, I decided to let Drifloon out of his Pokeball. He flew up into the air and spun around. "Drif-loon!" Excitedly, I said "We're almost at our first stop, Drifloon!" A couple of hours later we arrived in Sandgem town. I walked around a bit, but I couldn't find the Pokemon center. I went into a nearby store, Drifloon trailing behind me. I asked the man at the counter if he knew where the Pokemon center was. He gave me directions, and a couple of minutes later, we arrived at the Pokemon center.

"Hello, Nurse Joy!" I said as I entered the building. "could you give my new freind Drifloon a checkup?" "Of course!" she replied. I sat on the couch and read some brochures of the Sinnoh region. One ad cought my eye.

Poketch! The greatest new gadget for trainers!

"Hmmm." I said. "That looks cool."

"All finished!" called Nurse Joy as she came out of the checkup room, her Chancey pushing a metal cart with Drifloon on top. "Thanks Nurse Joy!" I said as Drifloon floated over to me. I put drifloon back in his Pokeball. "Would it be alright with you if I stayed here for the night?" I asked. "Of course! The trainers rooms are upstairs." It was late so I was tired. I climbed the stairs and entered a door with "Trainers' Sleeping Room" painted on it in red. There were two bunk beds. I laid down and fell asleep right away.

Please son't post the same thing twice. It's annoying. Anyways, here's the next part!


"Nraaaaah," I yawned. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 8:14 AM. I made the bed, thanked Nurse Joy, and walked out of the building. I left Sandgem town and headded for Jubilife City. I was interested in one of those Poketches that I saw in the brochure. I also wanted to catch some more Pokemon for my journey.

That night, I laid out my sleeping bag, made a fire, and cooked myself dinner. I was a great cook and I had plenty of food supplies, so I had a big meal. After dinner, I crawled into my sleeping bag. "Owwww!" I felt a sharp pain in my leg and yanked it out of the sleeping bag. I unzipped it, and there was a Turtwig nestled inside, shivering. "Oh, a Turtwig!" I said in surprise. "Are you cold?" "Twiiiiig," he nodded. "Come over here. I built a fire."

He walked over and sat next to me. I listened to the music of Kriketot antenea and a Chimecho swinging in the breeze. "Tur...Twig..." I looked down. The Turtwig was fast asleep and snoring. I chuckled and laid my extra sleeping bag over him. Then I crawled into mine and went to sleep.

I awoke so the sound of metal clanging and jaws crunching. I looked up and Turtwig's headd was in my bag. "Hey! What are you doing?" I yelled. He popped his head out, his mouth full of pokemon food. "Oh, you're hungry!" He pulled the can of food out of my bag and continued eating. I Packed up my sleeping bags and food pot. "I've got to get going." I said to Turtwig. "Maybe I'll see you again!"

I picked up the can of Pokemon food, put it in my bag, and started to walk away. I felt a tug un my pant leg and looked back to see Turtwig jumping from side to side. "What is it?" I asked. "Twig, turtwig!" "You want to battle me?" "Turtwig!" He seemed very excited. "Okay then, Go, Drifloon!"

"Use Silver Wind!" Turtwig dodged and fired a Seed Bomb at Drifloon. It hit head on. "Drifloon, are you okay?" "He got up, and with a determined cry, charged at Turtwig. "Get up close, then use Constict!" "Drif!" "Twig!" Drifloon squeezed. Turtwig bit Drifloon's strings. He flew up in the air and let out a cry! "Now Drifloon, use Silver Wind!" "Drif, loooooon!" The powerful attack hit Turtwig head on. "Now's my chance. Go, Pokeball!" I threw the ball at Turtwig. Into the Pokeball he went.

The ball rocked back and forth. The button glowed red. I clenched my teeth and fists, waiting to see what would happen. Then, the ball stopped rocking and the light went off. "Alright!" I ran over to the ball, picked it up, and held it up high. "I caught a Turtwig!" I yelled. Drifloon shouted "Floon!" "Great work, Drifloon! Return." I let Turtwig out of his Pokeball and scanned him with my Pokedex. He knew the attacks Seed Bomb, Bite, Razor Leaf, and Withdraw. "Twiiiig!" He said ad he spun around. "Ready for an awesome adventure, Turtwig?" "Tuuur, turtwig!" he excitedly called.


I'll write lots more soon!
