My sprite mixes (New sprite 11/10!)


I liek Mudkipz
Hey everyone!

I made a new sprite recently and would like to know what you are thinking about it. I think it's one of the best sprites i've ever made.

Well, here it is:


UPDATE: I have been thinking and i have decided to post more sprite mixes frequently in the future. Here is another one:


This might be a bit boring, but i like it:


Tell me what you think of my sprites in the comments below!
RE: My sprite mix

That looks awesome :) The head looks a bit out of proportion, though.

*Moved to Lilycove Art Museum*​
RE: My sprite mix

I fully agree. That thing is WIN, Beast, and LOL all at the same time. I love it. I want to see more.
RE: My sprite mix

AWESOME!! I really like it! But I also agree with Juliacoolo
RE: My sprite mix

Now, I don't want to offend, but I'm just making some minor criticism. First off, the shading is off a tiny bit on the head. 2nd, as JC said, the head is too big. 3rd, I don't know what's up with the eyes, but they were changed to some extent, making them look all weird. Lastly, for the horns, make them merge nicely into the Gengar head, as they seem like they just overlap instead of attaching to the head. However, you get an A+ for creativity :]
RE: My sprite mix

Ok this is a great sprite but the head is unedited after being pixelated and and the rest of the sprite is pixelated in some ares
RE: My sprite mix

Thanks for all the good comments. I will probably not edit this one but i'll probably update with more sprites frequently. :)
RE: My sprite mixes (New sprite 05/10!)

I'm pretty new whn it comes to sprite making... And pretty rubbish... Sigh... Still, yours are AWESOME!
RE: My sprite mixes (New sprite 05/10!)


You will get there eventually. I have only been doing this for two months. :p
RE: My sprite mixes (New sprite 05/10!)

That new sprite is sick. There are a few recoloring errors, but not too bad. The crown could also be a bit better put on. Still, great idea, and solid execution. I look forward to more :D
RE: My sprite mixes (New sprite 05/10!)


I know the crown could be better but Paint isn't able to rotate in 360 degrees (atleast not the Windows 7 paint). Since i can't find them, where are the recoloring errors?
RE: My sprite mixes (New sprite 05/10!)

Ooh... new spriter! =D Constructive criticism time!

Okay, on the first one, you'll definitely want to reshade the "horns". I'll have to admit, it looks out-of-place. Also, the head looks pretty big, but the only resolution would be to choose something other than Gengar. There are also a few other minor errors, mainly recoloring, that you should work on.

The second is much better. Still some minor errors and you still need some shading work, but it's a great improvement. I'm also loving the creativity you had when you used that piece of Venusaur's flower as a crown for the fusion. Creativity is always a nice touch.

Hope I helped!
RE: My sprite mixes (New sprite 05/10!)

Thanks! :)
I actually saw that on the gengar before i posted it here but i was too lazy to fix it... :p

Thanks for all comments. :)
Cool sprite; I like it. However, er...

Okay, first off, you should of re-shaded Shednja's crescent. It doesn't really take too long. Secondly, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, re-size sprites. However, if you really need to break the law do this, you should try to make it look as if nothing ever happened. Ever. That way the cops won't get you.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm just trying to improve your work so you can become even better.

(Wow, when I revised this, I realized that I wrote "cant" in the last sentence instead of "can". =P)
Ok, thanks!

I have always resize my finished sprites when i am done with them so that people can see in detail and notice what i did wrong(lol).

Thanks for the constructive critisicm(I have no idea how to spell that word). :) :p
I wasn't talking about the sprite a whole, that's fine. I was talking about the Crawdaunt stars.