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My superfragilisticexpialidocious trade thread OMG have unleahed

Do you have any of these in RH?:
x3 DCE
x2 Power Spray
x1 Pokemon Collector
CML for the following

1x Uxie X
1x Luxray X
1x Entei/Raikou Legend FULL
3x Garchomp C X (PACK)
4 crobat g
3 luxray gl 1rh
5 garchomp c
3 spirtomb
3 cursegar
cml for
4 energy gain
4 poke turn

my trade thread: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=87926
pm me
Please CML for

Blaziken FB Lv.X
Uxie League Promo
Garchomp C 2x
Crobat G 2x
Poke Turn 4x
Energy Gain 4x
SP Radar 4x


1 Bts
3 garchomp c
Machamp x 1 sf
machamp x
georgia states dice


luxray x or uxie x

or cml and counter.
CML for the following

6 uxies 1 league
3 luxray gl 1rh
5 garchomp c
3 spirtomb ar
3 nidoqueen
1 luxray x
1 uxie x
1 blazeikin fb lv.x
4 donphan Prime
liked these. From your wants I have:
1 Bts
x2 collector
states die
Regionals die
Poke'Gym special glittery die

CML and LMK.