My thoughts on the meta for the upcoming city championships


Aspiring Trainer
Well as a past cities winner i feel like discussing some different meta options for this tournement. It seems to me that people think that flygon is the best choice for cities im guessing flytrap/flychamp decks.
flygon is really a powerful attacker and when combo'd with cards like machamp memory berry and nidoqueen i can see why people feel it is the deck for cities. gengar is the other deck that catches my eye as a popular choice with the addition of the lv.x and the new curse pokepower gengar has more versatility, and with fainting spell still lingering prizes will come one way or another. gyarados is a deck that will probably rear its head again as cities draw nearer. the deck hasnt changed or been hurt much by PA, spiritomb can cause problems but with 60 hp its a 1 shot and will just be a minor road bump in your sweeping of the floor lol. glistomb is a combo deck, combo decks in card games either win or lose theres really no grey area no match up is in your favor you just do the combo and win the problem is the combo is easily broken and can tbe set up fast enough for other meta decks to run rampant on it. salamance is another choice and double fall is an amazing pokepower but almost every build ive seen/tested hasnt been near as consistant as flygon or gyarados, i feel it wont last in those 6 round city championships. SPs (blazray, luxape, DPL, legos, dialga, toolbox, plux,luxbomb) whatever varient your playing i feel you have the edge in your cities just because of how consistent the sp engine is. sps have the ability to do more things then any other pokemon can in this meta and i feel they are the best choice for cities.
im going to end with my top 5 decks for city championships.
1.dialga/garchomp-this deck won its fair share of battle roads and ive never seen this deck lose to flygon, gengar or gyarados consistantly and those are going to be extremely popuklar decks at most cities.
2.luxape/blazray- ive grouped these togethere because there advantage is luxray. luxray gives them control and gives them prizes. luxape sets up luxray fro prizes easier but blaziken is faster and has similar controling abilities.
3.gyarados-with the right decks this deck hits to hard to fast and recovers with ease. its an easy deck to play and will certainly win a few cities.
4.flygon- this deck is to big in the meta to not be able to pull out wins. people everywere are playing it and its extremely versatile and powerful.
5.legos-legos beats most stage 2 decks consistently wich is arguably over half the meta right now. sadly it gets beat up by luxray gl and gyarados. and luxray is the most popular tech for sps right now.
if you have something you'd like to bring up please do im just trying to generate some good discussion around here.
Well don't forget Legoes/Palkia usually tech in a Promocroak SPECIFICALLY to deal w/ Luxray so...also, you forgot Gengar. Thats a VERY POPULAR deck. Very versatile as well, very fast, very strong.
Mehh... Legos doesn't have as much trouble with Luxray as some people would claim. It has bigger problems right now. IMO how that deck does will depend on where the meta goes. It will either be great, or just be average.
FGD dominated flytrap and flychamp combinations in BRs around here and nothing in Arceus changes that. if there is an elite level player in your area running it it will be the Best Deck. i don't think any of the old favorite SP decks are going to do very well. it's pretty clear to me that luxray sp can only be successfully teched by really good players, who will mostly be playing other decks. i think something like speed blaziken sp with expert belt is really the way to go (except for that horrible gyarados matchup, sigh...).
im just curious what FGD is people have different names for different decks.
and when i said beat up i didnt mean destroyed i acknowledge that most legos players tech in the azelf mt and promocorak to deal with it.
kingdra is pretty meh right now imo. i know its a good deck but gengar is a hard match up for kingdra and gengar is really popular.
also i deff didint forget about gengar he is mentioned lol
Well I haven't played since like august so I want to know is Luxape still good since that was my deck at the time and I haven't played or bought cards since
trevorispro said:
im just curious what FGD is people have different names for different decks.
and when i said beat up i didnt mean destroyed i acknowledge that most legos players tech in the azelf mt and promocorak to deal with it.
kingdra is pretty meh right now imo. i know its a good deck but gengar is a hard match up for kingdra and gengar is really popular.
also i deff didint forget about gengar he is mentioned lol

FGD = Flygon/Gardevoir/Dusknoir

dmaster out.
FGD is Flygon/Gardy/Gallade/Dusknoir and even sometimes Mewtwo. If that seems like a lot of pokemon it is, which makes the deck unstable but if it can survive the first KO or two and get set up it is very difficult to overcome.
Kingdra has no problem with Gengar if you have the right tech in the deck.If you have a Gengar heavy area,use Blaziken PL to burn and hopefully get the knockout between turns.
flygon, gengar or gyarados consistantly and those are going to be extremely popuklar decks at most cities.

If Gengar is one of the best/most popular decks at Cities, why didn't you make a section talking about it? Also, I think that your ideas are good, but you should probably work on conventions (spelling and grammar).
ESP said:
If Gengar is one of the best/most popular decks at Cities, why didn't you make a section talking about it? Also, I think that your ideas are good, but you should probably work on conventions (spelling and grammar).
i mentioned it in the first paragraph i just didnt go into depth on it because there isnt a whole lot of grey area with gengar and by now i would assume most people no what gengar is really capable of.
and yea after rereading it i was having trouble getting through it. i figured iw ouldnt be typing alot so i just started going and it turned out longer then i anticipated.
I noticed you devoted a lot of attention to SP's. The best way to beat an SP deck is to out last it. Granted this can be difficult to do but once they run out of Poketurns and cyrus's they cant turn any more tricks and become very easy to beat with High HP pokes or healing like Tangrowth. I almost beat a Palkia lock deck with my flygon deck, he dominated the early game with mesprit and koed many things. But when it came down to it he had one prize left and came 10 damage short of being able to claim it I had three left and was ready to start taking one every turn. After KO his toxicroak he started his turn again and took forever searching his discard and deck. Then time was called and he said I end my turn with this smug look on his face. he lost that game and he knew it but I can't help when time is called so I did not make top cut that time. Moral is Sp's lose their steam late game and become suseptible to decks that can out last them.
your exactly right but the way to play around your less then ideal late game with sp is by playing conservativly early game ont go all out in the beggining just pace your self throughout the match poketurn when you need to use the right attacks and dont power spray/mesprit a turn that they dont NEED there power.
novadragon07 said:
I noticed you devoted a lot of attention to SP's. The best way to beat an SP deck is to out last it. Granted this can be difficult to do but once they run out of Poketurns and cyrus's they cant turn any more tricks and become very easy to beat with High HP pokes or healing like Tangrowth. I almost beat a Palkia lock deck with my flygon deck, he dominated the early game with mesprit and koed many things. But when it came down to it he had one prize left and came 10 damage short of being able to claim it I had three left and was ready to start taking one every turn. After KO his toxicroak he started his turn again and took forever searching his discard and deck. Then time was called and he said I end my turn with this smug look on his face. he lost that game and he knew it but I can't help when time is called so I did not make top cut that time. Moral is Sp's lose their steam late game and become suseptible to decks that can out last them.

If he got him self in such a situation, he obviously was a very bad Palkia player. Any good Palkia player will have a very strong late game. Palkia is one of the few SP's that get's stronger the more the game is dragged out.
I think you have overrated SPs especially Luxape I mean it loses to the most popular(at least in my area) deck,FlyChamp. While it can be teched for even then it is diffucult to come out on top. Here's my list of top 5 though.
1.Flygon-very versatile and with right techs can beat ALMOST anything. Problem is speed.
2.Legos-IMO the best SP as powerlocking for 8 TURNS can be painful, also as Darthpika said good lategame.
3.Gengar-the X's help is minimal, biggest threat is n00b decks(no powers) and Flygon(not too many powers)
4.Blazeray/Luxape-My favorite decks but big problems with Flychamp and Gengar(blazeray not as much)
5.Dialga G-I actually think depending on meta this deck could make a HUGE splash but it needs T1 deafeon lock or it's hard to comeback.Also Spiritomb could see some play in this deck.