Depending on what it is, it can still be highly effective. Part of what makes the deck as strong as it is, is the consistency and speed of it. Also, almost every deck uses SOME powers. I've found that those decks that "don't really use powers" tend to have 1 or 2 powers that are key to them working. Stop them and they crumble.
Flygon EATS SPs.
It's slower but once it gets started it kills(most run x's and stadiums, oh bye to all of them) Also since most SPs don't have a DP Dusky tech Flygon can power swing you to death, add in the fact that it resists Luxray GL and that's how it kills SPs.
I was making a general statement>
Palkia lock is one of two(the other being Dialga G lock) that can hurt Flygon. But still if they get Flygon X out that's going to hurt a lot.
haha a meta in a format that has 11 sets lol.
if i had to pick some i would go with..
Flygon- it just has the best Consistency out of most decks ATM.
Lego- Why do people say it loses to luxray? Toxi promo fix'd that a whie ago and yet everyone still says that :/
Garchomp/Dialga- WOW it is insainly hard to us but for people who can use em well, its gonna do amazing.