By popular demand I have created a bounus round for my future "Delta" Contest
Think of this as and extra creditit homework assginment for those participants who scored low in my contest.
Total bonus points: 50
Here is the Assignment:
Bonus Round 1: Create a Basic Holon's Pokemon( Double Rainbow ) Energy, Example: Holon's Castform
Bonus Round 2: Create a Basic Holon's Pokemon( C ) Energy, Example: Holon's Magnemite
Bonus Round 3: Create a Stage 1 Holon's Pokemon( Double Rainbow ) Energy, Example: Holon's Electrode
Now here's the catch: You have to chose from the pokemon listed for each round to enter inorder for you to recive the bouns points
Bonus Round 1: Smergle, Ditto & Dunsparce
Bonus Round 2: Pikachu, Meowth & Porygon
Bonus Round 3: Raichu, Persian & Porygon2
Note: Holon's Pokemon can't have pokebodies or pokepowers, the must have attack!
Think of this as and extra creditit homework assginment for those participants who scored low in my contest.
Total bonus points: 50
Here is the Assignment:
Bonus Round 1: Create a Basic Holon's Pokemon( Double Rainbow ) Energy, Example: Holon's Castform
Bonus Round 2: Create a Basic Holon's Pokemon( C ) Energy, Example: Holon's Magnemite
Bonus Round 3: Create a Stage 1 Holon's Pokemon( Double Rainbow ) Energy, Example: Holon's Electrode
Now here's the catch: You have to chose from the pokemon listed for each round to enter inorder for you to recive the bouns points
Bonus Round 1: Smergle, Ditto & Dunsparce
Bonus Round 2: Pikachu, Meowth & Porygon
Bonus Round 3: Raichu, Persian & Porygon2
Note: Holon's Pokemon can't have pokebodies or pokepowers, the must have attack!