its geo baby said:now i just need a rh mr mime
Azelf Master said:Do you have Luxray Gl X?
strg9 said:PLEASE CML FOR LUXRAY GL LV X!!!! i have been looking for one forever and i really need one!
pokefan1234 said:Could you CML for Luxray X? If you cannot find anything worth it than just tell me what you are interested in.
Mudkip said:My-
Darkrai Professor Playmat or PokeBall Playmat
Luxray GL Lv.X
LMK or counter.
Brawler said:Yeah do you have the Luxray? If so I have Kingdra Prime, T-tar prime RH Rare Candy, and other stuff to throw in on my list. I have other things too so just say if you need something.
minimidget94 said:RH mime for japanese charizard? LMK or counter
Azelf Master said:Do you have Luxray Gl X?
I do, but there's not much I need off of your list
strg9 said:PLEASE CML FOR LUXRAY GL LV X!!!! i have been looking for one forever and i really need one!
Well Depending on what you get in your booster box of unleashed, I may be interested in quite a few things.
I need kingdra prime, Ursaring prime(up to 3) charizard AR and a few others
I like your:
x1 Pokemon Communication
I have a sableye that I can trade for it. LMK or counter
Mudkip said:My-
Darkrai Professor Playmat or PokeBall Playmat
Luxray GL Lv.X
LMK or counter.
Sorry, no thanks
sorry, not much I need on your listBrawler said:Skipped
Soariyant said:my:
1 Kingdra prime*****
x2 rare candy RH***
T-Tar Prime *
4 charizard AR***** (2 are RH)
Professor sleeves
Luxray GL Lvl X (near mint)
minimidget94 said:could you perhaps switch the T-tar with 1-2 ursaring primes? and are the proffessor sleeves sealed?
coach4312 said:cml for luxray gl lv x
minimidget94 said:okay yes I would prefer the ursaring to the T-tar, just give me some time to think about it. Also, would you instead of one of the Charzards add in some holo fire energies, andy set? I want to get a good deal, as it is Luxray..