• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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my trade thread


Aspiring Trainer
{G} Grass
Shaymin lv x tin
cascoon PT
oddish LA
scizor E4 x2
scizor SF
seedot RR
kakuna RR x2
weedle RR x2
turtwig pop8
leafeon MD 7/100 RH
ledian LA
cacnea PT RH
surskit MT
carnivine POP8 x2
combee SF x2
shroomish SW
turtwig PT x2
cacturne PT
combee PT x3
ledyba LA
grotle MD x3
bellsprout LA
cherrim POP 8
cherubi SF
heracross E4
celebi MT RH
lotad SH4
turutwig GL
cherrim SF
turtwig MD x4
leafeon MD 24/100 x6 (1 RH, 1 H, 1 BK promo)
scyther MD x3
Beautifly PT RH
kricketune PT
heracross DP x2
combee MD x2
lombre PT
kricketot PT x3
carnivine PT x2
wurmple PT x4
lotad PT x4
torterra MD
turtwig POP9
leafeon RR
skorupi SF
seedot DP
wurmple DP
spinarak MT
chikorita MT

{R} Fire
growlithe RR
infernape 4 x2
ho-oh sw Damaged H
torkoal PT x2
houndoom LA
flareon MD x2 (1 RH)
magmar MT x2
ninetails PT x2
heatran POP 8 H
chimchar pop 8 x4
monferno PT
blaziken PT x2 H
chimchar MD x2
charizard SW H
vulpix PT x4
vulpix MT
rapidash 4 x4 (1 RH)
camerput LA x2
flareon RR
houndoom G x2
chimchar POP9
ponyta DP
rapidash DP
chimchar DP
magby MT x2
flareon RR x2 (1 Rh)
magmortar SW
combusken PT x2
chimchar PT x5 (1 Rh)
ninetails MT

{W} Water
palkia MD H
feraligator MT H
wartortle SW x2
squirtle SW x2
blastoise SW
crocanaw MT x3
totodille MT x5
piplup POP9
prinplup MD x3
Phione MD x2 (1 RH)
piplup MD x5
quagsire GL
barboach MT
wooper SW
piplup PT x2
shellos west SW
shellos east RR x3
vaporeon MD
castform snow LA
squirtle PT x2
octillery PT
remoraid PT x2
lapras PT x5
glaceon Md 20/100 x4 (2 RH, 2 H)
omanyte MD
chinchou LA
seel MT
golduck SW
shellos east MD x4
empoleon MD x2
tentacool LA
ludicolo SW H
corphish LA
gyarados G x2
mamoswine GL x2
kyogre LA
corsola SW
Psyduck PT x2
piplup POP8 x2
azumarril DP
finneon SF
lumineon SF H
empoleon lv x x2 (1 tin)
seaking DP
floatzel DP
marill DP
magikarp MT
seal MT
sealeo MT

{L} Lightning
electrivire lv x
shinx LA
electrode SF x2
raichu MT x2 (1RH, 1H)
lanturn LA
pikachu SF
electtrode SF RH
Electrike PT
minun SW RH
manectric MD x3
electrike MD x6 (1 RH)
jolteon MD x5
electrivre SW H
ampharos SW RH
magnezone DP PROMO x2
electrivire DP RH
ampharos PT H
shinx MT
rotom POP9 H
flaaffy PT x2
mareep SW
pikachu MD x5
mareep PT x3
electrode RR x2
pichu pop9
electabuzz SW
raichu POP 9
electabuzz DP x2 (1 RH)
pikachu POP9
electrike MT
pichu SF
elekid DP
voltorb SF
luxray POP 8
magneton SF
electrike MT H
shinx MT
shinx DP
luxio DP

{P} Psychic
croagunk MD x2
drifloon Sf
seviper Pt
duskull SF 59/100
duskull SF 60/100
gulpin LA
unown q x2
kirlia PT x2
chingling MD x3
giratina BK PROMO
misdreavus SF
espeon Md x5 (2 RH)
roselia SF
croagunk POP8 x2
mismagius PT RH
Grimer PT x2
mew SW H
abra MT
ralts PTx2
gloom LA
nidoran male RR
nidoran Female RR
muk PT
grumpig LA
giratina PT
misdreavus PT
unown ?
crobat G x2
shuppet PT x2
unown R
alakazm 4
bronzor MD x4
nidorina RR
skunktnk G x5
drifloon LA
spoink LA
gengar GL
drifloon SH1
toxicroak G
unown M
Mr. MIme MT
toxicroak MT RH
nidoran MT
duskull DP
haunter DP x2 (1 RH)
dusclops DP

{F} Fighting
gliscor x2
mankey GE x4
sudowoodo MD
machoke lucario manaphy trainer kit
phanphy SW
rampardos MT H
diglett PT x2
riolu pop8 x5
dugtio Pt
makuhita Ge x4
tyrouge LA
hitmonlee La
larvitar SF x2
pupitar SF
aerodactyl GL
machop lucario manaphy trainer kit
gastrodon west RR
probopass PT
cubone LA
riolu PT x2
lucario pop8
kabuto MD x3
cranidos MT
trapinch SW
cranidos Pt
hitmontop LA x3
hitmonchan LA x5
lunatone GE x2
primeape GE
nosepass PT x3 (1 RH)
torterra SF H
diglet SW x2
machop SF
kabutops MD x2 H
solrock GE x2
hitmonchan PT
meditite DP RH
Gravler MT
piloswine SF

{D} Dark
honchkrow G
umbreon MD Rh
carvanha RR
poochyena LA
mightyena PT
weavile G RH
stunky MD x5 (1 RH)
nuzleaf RR x2
stunky DP
murkrow MT
sableye SF

{M} Metal
steelix GL RH
shieldon PT x2
lairon MT x2 (1 RH)
skarmory SF x3 (2 RH)
aron MT x3
aron RR x3
jirachi LA
dialga DP PROMO
dialga lv x tin
dialga GE H
dialga DP H
magnemite SF x2
aggron MT H
dialga PT 5/127 H
magneton SF x2
dialga MD H
lucario PT
dialga PT 22/127
magnezone DP H
skarmory GE x2
magnemite DP
shieldon MT
magneton DP

{C} Colorless
starly SF x3
lugia SW H
lickitung MD x2
swablu Pt
aipom MD x2
porygon 2 GE x2
munchlax MD
chansey PT x2
gible MT x3
lickitung Sw
meowth BK PROMO
eevee MD 68/100 x8
purugly G x5
vigoroth PT
munchlax 70/111 RR x3
persian LA
slakoth PT x2
altaria PT x2
ambipom MD x3
porygon GE x4
lopunny LA
buneary LA
happiny POP8 x2
starly MD
skitty PT x2
glameow Md x2
likitung PT x2
vibrava RR
spearow Md x2
regigigas LA 37/146
eevee MD 62/100 x8
kangaskhan MD
ambipom G
shelgon SF
Staraptor SF
miltank SF
porygon-z GE
castform LA
tauros PT x3
staravia MD x2 (1 RH)
aipom MT
togepi GE x2
bagon SF
salamence SW H
kecleon RR
delcatty PT RH
ditto LA RH
fearow MD
aipom MD x7
dunsparce MT
gible MT x2
chatot DP
clefairy DP

duskball x6
night maintenence x2
mom's Kindness x3
power spray
bebe's search
miasma valley x4 (1 RH)
snowpoint temple x2
dawn stadium
buck's trainign x2 (1 RH)
galactic hq
dome fossil
cynthias feelings
claw fossil
marley's request
cyrus's conspiracy x2
fossil excavator
professor oak's visit
luxury ball
plus power
poke' ball x4 (1 RH)
life herb
great ball x3
bertha's warmth
leftovers x2
super scoop up
potion x4
warp point x3
old amber
energy restore
energy search x6
skull fossil x5
energy gain x4 (1 RH)
quick ball x4
helix fossil x2
pokemon restore
double full heal x2
memory berry
amulet coin
switch x5
speed stadium
team galactics wager

Special Energy
metal x5 (1 RH)
health energy
rainbow x2
SP energy x2
upper Energy
call energy
warp energy

Red version [gbc]
Blue version [gbc]
yellow version [gbc]
stadium 2 [n64]
gold [gbc]
silver [gbc]
crystal [gbc]
ruby [gba]
sapphire [gba]
pearl [ds]
colluseum [gc]
XD: gale of darkness [gc]
battle revolution [wii]

(( i for some reason want all the games!!))
((but i cant find all the older ones in town!! help me out?))

surfing pikachu reprint
flying pikachu reprint
base set pikachu
charmander reprint
charmeleon reprint
charizard reprint
infernape DP
monferno DP x2
Chimchar DP x2
ho-oh SW
smeargle SW x4
cresselia GE x2
drowze GE x3
hypno GE x2
cresselia lv x
articuno MD
moltes MD
zapdos MD
infernape MD
porygon z lv x
duskull SH2
voltorb SH3
swablu SH5
Vulpix SH6
espeon 4 x4
jolteon RR x2
vaporeon RR x2
mr mime 4 x4
glaceon RR x2
eevee RR x8
lucian's assignment x4
flint's will power x4
gallade 4 x4
gallade 4 lvx
My surfing Pikachu reprint, Mr. Mime 4, 2 Glaceon RR and Espeon 4 for your 2 Magenzone DP promo, Fantom, and Call energy.
2xGyarados G(PL)
2xCrobat G(PL)
4xSkunktank G(PL)
1xEmpoleon Lv.X(TIN)
For MY Gale Of Darknes XD Game.
medaforcer: warp energy for Jolteon RR
darksoulSP: no longer have call energy make another offer?
kevkev: no thanks
cfourcoltsfan: saw pikachu kids wb promo , ancient mew, cynthia's feelings RH, 2 cresselia GE , make me an offer
nabby101: didnt see anything
darksoulSP said:
My surfing Pikachu reprint, Mr. Mime 4, 2 Glaceon RR and Espeon 4 for your 2 Magenzone DP promo, Fantom, and Call energy.

Then my Surfing Pikachu, 2 Glaceon RR, Espeon 4 and Mr. Mime 4 for your 2 Magnezone DP Promo, Blastoise SW, and Fantom?
How about your Super Scoop Up, Power Spray, 2 Cyrus's and 2 Magnezone DP promos for my 2 Glaceon RR, Espeon 4, Mr. Mime 4, and 4 Eevee RR?
base set pikachu
infernape DP
monferno DP x2
Chimchar DP x2
smeargle SW x1
cresselia GE x2
infernape MD

Electivire Lvl X

Please let me know if this works out for you or counter, thanks.
syn said:
medaforcer: warp energy for Jolteon RR
darksoulSP: no longer have call energy make another offer?
kevkev: no thanks
cfourcoltsfan: saw pikachu kids wb promo , ancient mew, cynthia's feelings RH, 2 cresselia GE , make me an offer
nabby101: didnt see anything

My offer
2 Cresselia GE
1 Cynthia's Feelings RH

1 RH Energy Gain
1 Fan Rotom
1 of one of your othere rares I wanted(excluding Rotom POP9)
I am also interested in E-Vire LV.X