DPPt/HGSS My Trades

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Aspiring Trainer
Looking for any legit shiny! especially ev'd shinnies, also looking for ev'd pokemon as well as UT Charmander,bulbasaur,squirtle,totidile,cyndaqil with good nautres. Make me an offer Im always happy make a trade happen! Also looking for TMs I need Ice BEAM really bad!
ALSO LOOKING FOR A PARTNER! one that clone and make some good trades!
extremespeed dratini
horesea IV 31 speed/attack

Shinx UT
Evee UT rng bred Needs to be cloned Serious
Luxray Ev'd trained 252/attack, 252/speed, naive nature
Salamence Ev'd 252/attack,252 speed,4/hp Flawless IVs and adamant nature and knows EQ,fire fang, dragon dance,dragon claw
Vaporeon ev'd adamant
UT Mewtwo
slowpoke great IVs
raikou UT, and one evd see ev section
rilou UT
totidle UT
groudoun UT
Rhyhorn UT

EVd pokes
Jolteon naive 252/speed,252/sp.attack/4/attack
SHiny Raikou 252/sp attack/252 speed/6hp rash nature 30Iv in hp/28 in attack
Shiny drifblim 252/sp attack/252 HP/4 speed modest nature
Shiny Charizard 252/attack/252 speed/4hp jolly nature IVS 30-31/21-22/31/14-15/30-31/22-23
Shiny Metagross 252/attack/252 hp/4 defense Lonely IVS 25 in HP/attack
Shiny Rhydon will be Ryperior when traded 252/attack/252hp/4 defense adamant
Shiny Lucario 252/attack/252/speed/4hp adamant 28-29/17-19/24-25/24-26/26-28/21-22 moveset EQ,blaze kick,force palm,auro sphere
Shiny Lapras bashful 252/hp,252 sp attack/4speed

Uxie (UT) 28-29 IV in HP
Azlef (UT)

If you can clone lmk you can keep a copy for yourself!

Coming Soon!
Shiny adamant magikarp
Shiny adamant dratiny
Shiny jolly snorunt
Shiny new moon Darkai!

completed trades
TFH Great Trader,cloned for me
Safariblade Great trader
TPF rng for me
xxashxx Great Trader
Shiny Vinni cloned for me
Bluesummers Great Trader
What are your Ev's on your Extremespeed Dratini and also what is it's nature.

- Rotom-Cut
Lemme check the evs/nature on the dratini and pinsir. Ste can u clone? cause i just need to get it cloned first!

pinsir lvl 48 quiet
okay cool because I would love a shiny drifloon. Ha shiny bellsprout actually looks pretty awesome. It has golden leaves
Salamence Ev'd 252/attack,252 speed,4/hp Flawless IVs and adamant nature and knows EQ,fire fang, dragon dance,dragon claw

for my shiny adamant exploud lv.100

PM me
1993FLYGON said:
Salamence Ev'd 252/attack,252 speed,4/hp Flawless IVs and adamant nature and knows EQ,fire fang, dragon dance,dragon claw

for my shiny adamant exploud lv.100

PM me

what else do you have for trade?
Is the shiny salamance the same one found in vini's trophy case or in the flaming ho-oh's thread?
In other words is it legit?
I could offer you goons scizor.
I can clone too.
yup the shiny mence is the one and is legit :) looking to get shinnies that are evd,have great IVs,or great natures not really looking for events tho.

Really looking for a trade partner! One that can clone and help make some good trades! If your interested pm me
I would hope to combine trade threads
In your pm list 3 pokemon you have that have some good trade value!
And if you can rng you pretty much get the job :)
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