My Writing


Aspiring Trainer
Uh, hi people, I like to write, and I guess I'll post some here. Here's the prologue to meh story....

War of the Realms – Prologue

It’s the 18th century, and the Industrial Revolution has left its mark on the world in the form of steam power that begins a new technological era. For some this is the beginning of a new age, one better than the present, while for others, it signifies the end of a once dominant lifestyle. Some believed that the new era of steam is the beginning of the end of magic, while others still clung to the ancient arts. Steam rapidly became popular; steam cars, steam stoves, steam even powered the machinery in the coal mines. But as this was happening, the craft of magic dwindled. No one wanted works of art created using wizardry, no one wanted food grown at the hands of a magician, nor did they want any clothing sewn by them. But even though this seemed like the end for magic, they still lived in tolerance of each other. The occasional gang war broke out, but no large attacks were made on either side. But little did anyone know that the death of one young boy would change the fate of an entire race.

It happened on a sunny day, around 1849; two boys were happily playing among the rocks, one still studied magic, while the other helped his father in the coal mines. Even though they came from two different races of people, they still learned to overcome their differences and get along. But happiness abruptly changed into horror when some foul beast attacked them. First, the creature lunged at the young magician, biting as his head and neck, but the other young boy quickly jumped to his feet and tried in vain to pull the beast off his friend. But the only thing the young boy succeeded in was angering the creature more, who turned around to face the boy who stood paralyzed with fear, his back against the rocks; his front totally exposed the beast. The creature devoured the young boy with one bite of its massive jaws, while the young magician ran as fast as his legs would carry him to his village to spread the terrible news.

But when the horrific tale of this young boy’s death spread, many were quick to blame the magician. They said he most likely summoned the beast to kill the other boy on purpose, that it was all planned from the beginning. Of course the other magicians knew this was not true, but the people of machines wouldn’t listen to their words anymore; in their mind, the wizards had broken the little trust between them and the men of machinery. That is when peace ended, and chaos began to reign.

The gang wars suddenly got out of hands, hundreds dying from one reasonably small fight. All who studied magic were severely persecuted, and sometimes tortured to death, and their mutilated bodies were hung from high poles as a warning to other magicians. But tensions were still rising. Suddenly someone in power snapped, and an all out attack was ordered against the magicians. The battle lasted for well over three weeks, both sides had numbers in the ten thousands, but the magicians finally fought them off, paying for it with many lives.

But all this death still had not satisfied the hate and bloodlust of the men, where as the magicians wanted nothing but peace. After only a few months of recuperation, another large attach was staged, one many times larger than the first. This time, the steadily lowering numbers of magicians were in no shape to fight them off once again, so they fled into their hidden cities; putting wards around them to keep them invisible to curios eyes. The magicians were no able to regroup in total anonymity.

After many years the magicians had almost been totally forgotten. Many searched for the hidden cities, but the wards around them kept unwanted explorers from ever finding them. Some even began to secretly study magic in order to shut down the wards, but they were found, and killed. And as these many years passed by, the magicians’ hate towards the men grew at an alarming rate. The magicians started out wanting nothing but to live in harmony with everyone, but after what had happened, they wanted nothing more than to spill the blood of the men who slaughtered whole towns, even the children were brutally killed. The men had no mercy, and so the magicians decided that they would not give mercy to those who have none.

A massive army was being created inside the confines of the hidden cities. Wizards were trained to destroy any man they see, trolls were trained to feel no pain, phoenixes were trained to burn whole cities to the ground without mercy. The army was ready, and the thin strand of remaining desire for peace was the only thing stopping the magicians from starting another world war. But that thread was broken when word broke out among men that magicians were not counted among humans; they were another race, totally inferior to mankind. When this new reached the Counsel of the Wizards, it enraged them so much that they sent their armies to war, in effect beginning the first war of the two realms.

When word of the massive armies reached the men, they were in complete shock. They didn’t expect an attack, for they believed that the number of magicians was too few to create such an army. But the men were not totally unprepared; they amassed their own army, and in response to the trolls, they created mechanical suits that could withstand most explosions; also they created missiles, mostly to destroy the phoenix in midair.

After only one day of marching, the men came to the battle ground where the enemy already stood. The courage left them, and their blood ran cold. Before them they saw nothing but a see of bodies, with fiery creatures mixed in with the crowd. The battle was only one day away, and through out the rest of that day, half of the men fled from fear of the imminent defeat that lay before them. When the day of the battle came, the men were sober as they put their uniforms on and did all the duties assigned to them, while the other army, the magicians, stood in shock as to how small the army of men was. But their shock was soon replaced with bloodlust as the battle horn sounded. There was a thundering noise as the magicians and trolls ran across the battlefield towards the cowering men, and there was a loud hissing as the phoenixes sped towards their intended destination. Then the armies met. Clubs smashed into mechanical suits, spells met bullets, and fire birds met missiles. After only a few hours of fighting, the men were totally annihilated; every last one of them was dead.

But the magicians didn’t stop there, and neither did the men. The magicians marched into populated areas of Africa, Asia, and Russia, destroying everything, and claiming them as military bases belonging to the magicians. The men staged many attacks, but none of them succeeded. It was now man’s turn to cower into their cities in fear of the magician’s power; but to their dread they could not hide their cities from the magicians’ powerful eyes. Many cities were quickly destroyed, claimed, and populated with more magicians. But the men had not totally lost. Under ground were undefined numbers of groups of many men, some large, others varying in size. And these groups the magicians had no idea existed, until they appeared from under their feet and attacked them in the dead of night.

Now after this, it had been exactly one year to the day since the first large attack was made, and a cease fir on both sides was agreed in order to keep that day in remembrance. Since the start of this war, no one had taken notice of how the world had changed. The world was a mess. Pollution skyrocketed as factories were built to create more missiles, whole continents became wastelands after a horde of magicians came plowing through them. Thousands of civilians had already died, and yet this was only the beginning. Finally a decision was made on both sides; one race must die, or else all humanity will be entrapped in a war without end.
War of the Realms - Chapter One

Seth covered his ears and put his head between his knees in a fruitless attempt to drown out the sounds of battle in the distance. The explosion of missiles, the crack of magic; both horrifying sounds that brought back terrible memories of happenings in the past. Suddenly a large shadow appeared around a cornered, accompanied by a deafening roar that seemed to shake the earth. The shadow then revealed itself as a troll, one that had wandered from battle in a fit or rage, destroying anything it saw. And to help it on its path of destruction, a massive Morningstar flailed wildly in the troll’s hand, knocking down stone walls with a single swipe. Courage seemed to flee Seth’s body, only to be replaced by cold fear. Then their eyes met. The troll, already enraged by the spirit of battle, became even more furious, and charged at Seth, its huge weapon whipping behind him. The troll was no less than ten feet away; it raised its weapon high above its head and brought it smashing down into Seth’s body. Then he woke.

The picture of a dark sky dotted with white lights swarmed into Seth’s mind as he desperately tried to forget the nightmare he just saw. Cold sweat ran down his forehead, and his knees were trembling in fright. He almost wondered if what he just saw was a dream or a nightmare, for death almost seemed welcome after what he’d gone through. Both his parents are dead; he has no idea what to do, where to go, or who to talk to. He just wanders around in the vastness of earth, in all its wastelands and crumbling cities. He was the only member that survived, lucky enough as it would sound; Seth thought it as a curse. He remembered that day quite vividly; he was out gathering some vegetables for dinner, happy as can be, with no idea about what would soon wreck his life for all time to come. When he was coming back to his house, he heard a rumbling noise that for some reason sent chills up and down his spine. He walked a little farther, and then dropped the basket in pure shock. His house was on fire, and trolls were roaming freely, destroying the burning wreckage with their massive clubs. And magicians stood by and watched, raining more and more fireballs on the house, as if the hell that seemed to envelope the house wasn’t enough. Seth ran, he ran as far as he could, trying to wake up, thinking that this was only a nightmare bought on by the dark of night. But somehow, he never woke, he just ran. Finally he came to some city where all the buildings were old and decayed, and most were ready to collapse. He made sure that nothing was coming, nor that anyone was near, then crawled under some rubble and cried himself to sleep. Now the only thing that keeps him alive is his burning hate for all magicians. The desire for vengeance was all that Seth cared about. Maybe, and only maybe, after all magicians were wiped from the face of earth, might he concentrate on other things, but for now, his mind was wholly occupied with his hate.

Seth brought himself back to reality and stood up, stretching his sore muscles. He then decided to go east, not knowing where to go, but after his unnerving dream, he thought it best not to stay in one place for too long. But before he started out, he patted his chest to make sure that his most valuable possession was still with him; his sling-blade. This was the one most precious item to him, and one that was crafted by his own hands. It was a blade, shaped like that of a crescent moon, and attached to a long rope that hung by his side. He was quite skilled with it, and was even able to bring down a troll, if he was lucky. This was also what he hunted with; using it to kill deer and rabbit, so losing it would be out of the question. For the one thing that he plans to someday kill is a magician. Maybe vengeance will be his if he only killed one; but this is easier said than done. Magicians possess some unholy power to be able to detect anything coming their way, even if it’s coming from behind them. And this is the only thing that kept Seth from going all-out on trying to kill one. How they could do this, no one knew, but it was one, if not unfair, advantage they had over man.

Suddenly Seth was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a small rustling nearby. He proceeded with great caution, making sure not to cause any or make any unnecessary movement. He kept in the shadows, using them as he veil, until he was right next to a corner, presumably the one where he had hear the rustling. He slowly peered around, making sure not to leave the shadows, lest he be seen. But what he saw totally caught him off guard, and almost caused him to gasp had he not bit his tongue. What he saw was a young boy, most likely the same age as Seth, fifteen, his boots were made of dark leather, and went about halfway up to his knees. From there, he had deerskin pants that had about nine long tassels hanging from him, indicating that he either captured nine men, or killed them. After that, he had a tunic that was probably made using the craft of magic, and his gloves were made of black leather, with the figure of a golden phoenix stitched on the palm of each one; the sure sign of a magician. Hate swelled up in Seth as he fingered his sling-blade, wondering if he should charge at the magician, yelling at the top of his lungs, or quietly creep up, then slit his throat. He chose the latter.

He quietly crawled out of his safe place in the shadows, stepping out into light where he could easily be seen by any predator, and slowly but steadily made his where towards where the magician was kneeling on the ground.
“What luck!?” Seth thought, wondering how any magician would be stupid enough to lower his guard, and even kneel on the ground. But suddenly something happened that Seth never expected; the magician stood up, his head down, his hands in front of him. Seth froze only for a moment, but went on after concluding that the magician wasn’t making any more moves. By now, Seth was about a foot away from the magician, and had his blade in his hand, ready to slit his throat when the time came. But then Seth stopped again, this time to cover his mouth, because some foul-smelling fume had reached his face, almost causing him to cough. When Seth uncovered his mouth and looked up, his eyes widened in shock and his legs locked as his eyes met the magician’s, who had somehow turned around. Seth ducked his head, expecting an attack on his face, but to his surprise, and horror, the magician’s fists were enveloped in blue fire, and one was coming for his stomach.

A sharp pain shot across his whole chest and something slammed into his back. He quickly got back up though, knowing that the magician was probably already ready to attack again. And he was. The magician charged at Seth, with his blazing fists ready to shoot out and burn anything they touched; Seth realized this with just enough time to jump out of the way before the fire touched him. As a counter-attack, Seth threw his blade at the boy’s feet, wrapping them around and tripping the magician, who fell onto his face and lay there motionless. Seth cautiously withdrew his blade and started towards the magician, wondering if he had killed him. If he had, he never thought it would be this easy, and if he hadn’t, he wondered how much more of this he could take before he too lay motionless on the ground, dead, never to return. Then Seth took action; he planted his feet on either side of the magician and kneeled over him, keeping his blade to the boy’s neck, ready to kill. But the magician was prepared, and Seth watched in horror as the magician’s fist flared up, and in the blink of an eye, a pillar of fire washed over Seth’s face. He fell down screaming in pain and trying to put the fire out, opening his eyes just enough to watch the magician disappear in a plume of red smoke. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, Seth drifted out of consciousness, and all went black.
Nice story....
If I was still @ High school....I would've used this as a History paper...with ur permission of cause....but I've finished school now for 5yrs (I finished the same day as 9/11 happened..that how I can remember it).
But anyways...keep it up!
Thanks Light Venusaur!

War of the Realms – Chapter Two

Once again Seth felt the almost overwhelming power to end his life and escape the hell that earth had become. The feeling that life was hopeless, that this war would never end, the same feeling he had after he realized that his parents were never coming back. Sometimes he just wonders what it would be like to be dead, to not have to worry about anything anymore, but then his burning fury and hate for magicians shines through, fueling him with renewed vigor. He forgot about his feelings, stood up, and stretched; wincing as he was painfully reminded of how sore his muscles had become from lying on the ground for an unknown period of time. Then he recalled what had happened not too long ago, his battle with the young magician. He was determined to find this magician and kill him, thinking that if he killed one his hate against magicians might burn out, either that or it would flare up and send him on a bloody rampage. Either one was quite welcome by Seth.

He got up and began once again to walk east; thinking that maybe how could find the magician stronghold in Asia and bring it down single handedly. How he would do it he did not know, but this delusion of grandeur was one that he fondled greatly. But suddenly he was brought back to reality as he heard a deafening roar that seemed to come from only a few yards away, on the other side a crumbling building. He cautiously crept towards, trying his best not to step on any noisy object, and stopping occasionally to listen to the low grunt that sounded every so often. Then, after only a few minutes of creeping in the shadows, Seth was right up to the building where he heard the sound come from, and peering into a crack in the wall, he saw a massive wart-covered body come into view. It was a troll, and a reasonably big one, but what surprised Seth the most, was that it carried a massive Morningstar, just like the one he had seen in his dream. He quickly studied his surroundings and was even more fearful when he saw that he was in the same place that the dream had been set in, ever little piece of rubble was in the correct place, right down to the fallen light post that still emitted a dull glow. Then, with his heart pounding and his eyes wide, he brought his gaze back to the hole in the wall, only to meet eyes with an angry troll that had no feeling or conscious. He fell back, trying to get up but failing miserably, for his legs were shaking and he couldn’t get enough of a grip on himself to concentrate. That had been the first time any troll had caught him off guard. Usually they were mindless, and couldn’t feel you even if you smacked them, but this one had somehow managed to sense Seth coming and surprised him. With his heart pounding in his chest he fumbled with his sling blade, dropping it numerous times and scrambling in order to pick it up before the troll’s mighty foot crushed it into smithereens. Finally Seth was able to stand up, but it was a bitter sweet moment, for in the time it took him to get to his feet, the troll had advanced and closed the gap that once stood between him and beast. Suddenly the troll was standing right in front of him and Seth could do nothing, his mind screamed at him to run, yet his legs wouldn’t move and only collapsed uselessly under him. The troll, sensing its victory, let out a deafening bellow that almost caused the wall that Seth was up against to crumble, and instilling a new fear in his heart. But before the troll was able to smash Seth with its giant weapon, a ball of blue fire shot into its side and sent it smashing into a nearby building which crumbled on top of the creature. But to Seth’s frustration the troll only threw the rubble off of him and stood up, swinging its head around, searching for the thing that attacked him. Suddenly the troll seemed to lock onto something, staring at it in mild disgust, wondering what it was, and out of curiosity, Seth looked to where the troll kept staring, falling backwards in shock when he saw that the magician he had tried to kill earlier was now trying to save him from the troll. The young boy jumped over some fallen rocks with super human agility and seemed to glide across the unstable ground as me quickly drew his only weapon, a small hunting knife. The troll, thinking that this small boy with nothing but a knife would be an easy victory, but the beast was quite mistaken when the boy lunged at the troll and thrust his knife into the wart covered face. The troll gave one last bellow before falling to the ground in death’s cold embrace. Seth stared in disbelief at the young magician who was calmly wiping the black blood from his intricate blade.
“Did…did you just save me?” Seth asked, tripping over his own tongue
“Mm-Hmm.” The magician coolly replied as he sheathed his now shining knife.
“Why?” Seth asked, and still feeling somewhat cautious, he gently fingered his sling blade. But the magician, reading Seth’s face, re assured him;
“I’m not going to kill you after I just saved you. And even if I did want to kill you, you’d already be dead.” This gave Seth little comfort. “As to why, I don’t know. You just don’t seem like such a bad person.” The boy said with a faint trace of a grin at the edge of his lips. “I can take you to my village where you can get that healed up.” The boy suddenly said, pointing to a large gash that Seth didn’t even know was there.
“Oh, didn’t see that.” He replied as he looked at the long wound that went from his wrist almost to his elbow, feeling the warm red blood ooze onto his hands. But even though the gaping hole in his arm pained him greatly, he was still highly against going to a whole village filled with the one thing he hates most; magicians. He unknowingly grimaced at the very thought, not caring that a magician who could easily kill him was standing not two feet away. All he knew about magicians was that they killed his family, and he hated them for it. And even thought the magician could tell what Seth was thinking, he just stood calmly by and waited for Seth to step out of his thoughts and back to reality. “Whatever. Let’s go.” Seth said as the feeling of pain quickly overtook the feeling of hate while he wrapped a crude bandage mad of an Asian flag he found laying in tatters on the ground.
“So be it.” The magician quickly replied. “But first, we must know each other’s names before we start a three-day walk to my village.”
“My name’s Seth.”
“And I’m Amari.” The magician replied, and they set off towards a small village.
War of the Realms – Chapter Three

The two boys walked for three days straight through vast desert lands, with little food and almost no rest, save for the few times that Seth broke down out of exhaustion, where as the magician seemed exuberant and overflowing with energy. Seth sat down on a large rock as he looked up to the young magician, who was surveying the landscape, calm as ever, with not a drop of sweat on his head, where as Seth had to constantly wipe his brow to keep the salty liquid from getting into his eyes and hindering his vision. Finally Seth could take it no longer. He narrowed his eyes, and with a parched voice and cracked lips, asked the one question that was bothering him most at the moment;
“How are you not sweating?!” Seth blurted out with a tone of anger and frustration in his voice. “You’re there, wearing a cloak, while I’m here wearing a T-shirt and jeans! I don’t see how I’m the one that’s sweating!”
“Take this.” Amari said as he produced a silk cloak from a bag that hung at his side and motioned for Seth to take it.
“Now why would I wear that if I’m already sweating? It’s just more clothes!”
“Well I’m wearing one and you don’t see me sweating all my body liquids out.” Amari simply replied. Seth gave a half-hearted grunt in response and reluctantly took the cloak from Amari’s hand.
“If you’re wrong about this you know you’ll never see the end of it.” Seth growled as he put it on, shocked when he suddenly felt much cooler as the energy surged through his body.
“And?” Amari asked as he leaned closer.
“And what?” Seth hissed, angry that a magician was right. Amari raised his eyebrows, and Seth knew he was expecting congratulation. “Fine. You were right, I was wrong. Happy?”
“Quite.” Amari said with much satisfaction as he went back to looking over the vast desert. “The village is only about a two hour’s walk from here. If we start now we’ll get there before nightfall.”
“What fun.” Seth said as he scanned his wound for any infection.
“Come one” Amari said as he began to walk east, not looking back to see if Seth, who had stood up and stretched his newly rejuvenated body, was following or not.

As Amari had foretold, they reached the magician village before nightfall, which was a welcomed sight, even to Seth’s eyes. The village warmly welcome Amari, where as Seth was not kindly greeted. The villagers gave him cold glances that felt like they burned through him. But they still brought him to a small hut when Amari told them of the gash on Seth’s arm. The hut was cramped, and the hole in the top was not enough to keep the smoke from filling up the room, causing Seth to cough and wheeze, until finally it was cleared away and a small, wrinkly woman stepped forth holding a small basket covered with a linen cloth.
“You’ve been deeply wounded, more than physically too.” The woman said in a raspy voice as she looked over Seth’s wound, gently using her bare fingers to push back tissue, causing Seth to wince in pain and almost cry out had he not held his tongue.
“Whaddya mean ‘more than physically too’?” Seth asked as he lifted his head to look into the old woman’s dark eyes that seemed to glare back with wisdom coming from old age.
“That troll was possessed by the spirit that causes hate and anger, and you are too since you were so near when it died. If you aren’t helped quickly you could be forever tormented by the same rage that tormented that creature.” She said, and Seth only let his head drop back with a frustrated sigh. He already hated them anyway. What harm could a little more hate a rage do anyway? A rampage doesn’t sound so bad. The more dead the merrier. But as for now he would gladly accept the magician’s healing, and then slaughter them in the night as they sleep with a sense of security because they think their village is so hidden.
“Psh “Seth thought “They think they’re so hidden, yet one of their own brings in an enemy from the outside. How unaware they are, and yet for how long have they kept themselves hidden with nothing but supernatural powers? Well this is the end. If I can just take this village, I bet I could take a whole slew of others. Maybe I could even find the secret to hiding their villages. Heh, they’ll never see it coming.” Then Seth decided to leave his thoughts and speak up; “Whatever, just make it better.” He ordered as he laid his head on his pillow and almost instantly fell asleep.

Seth woke the melancholy beat of a drum that seemed to bounce around inside hi head a while before fading away into the dark of night. He got up and sleepily dressed himself, putting his faded jeans and worn out T-shirt on without a small amount of difficulty in the pitch blackness of the small hut that he had been sleeping in. He followed the low beat of the drum through the dark of night, feeling the fur huts as he passed through close quarters until he finally reached the bright light of a burning fire. Seth had to shield his eyes for a moment before adjusting to the fire. Then he surveyed what he’d just stumbled into. It was some meeting, or a celebration, Seth couldn’t tell, but there were a lot of magicians, and most of them were cheerfully talking, or eating while trying to gulp down large jugs of ale. Had Seth been at home, he would have jumped right in and mingled with the crowd, but here, he just slinked around the shadows, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck tingle whenever someone shot him a narrow-eyed glance. He scanned the crowed for Amari, with fruitless results. He may not like magicians, but he at least knew Amari a little bit, while the others seemed wary, and almost seemed to resent the fact that a boy had entered one of the magician’s sacred villages. But suddenly Seth saw something that almost made him trip over the medium-sized boulder he was about to walk into; Aaron. He started walking towards Aaron and unexpectedly broke out into a brisk jog as joy swelled up in his heart. It was Aaron, his childhood friend whom he loved like a brother. They had always gotten into the worst of troubles, freeing the dogs, stepping on the tomatoes, things like that, and they had always been there to help each other out. When the attack happened, Seth could never find Aaron, no matter how hard he looked, so he had assumed that Aaron had died in another attack, but now he was here, and Seth was only ten feet away from his best, and only, friend.

Aaron turned his head and his face lit up with happiness as soon as he saw Seth, who had slowed to a quick walk, coming towards him.
“Seth! You made it!” Aaron beamed as he reached out to embrace Seth.
“You should be dead!” Seth exclaimed as he hugged Aaron tight, reluctant to let go.
“Well, sorry to disappoint.” Aaron said with a small chuckle and a twinkle in his eyes. “Now before you and I start plowing the questions on each other, have a bit of food and some drink!” He said as he lead Seth towards a huge table filled with the most delicious smelling food Seth had ever seen. There was roast duck with cranberry sauce, and a succulent looking pig that was perfectly browned. There was also a wide variety of cheeses and sixteen fifty gallon barrels filled to the brim with a different assortment of flavored drinks. Seth piled up the food on his plate and filled his mug to the point of overflowing with what looked and tasted like lemonade, then went to find and empty table relatively distant from the magicians. Seth quickly set upon his food like a ravenous animal, for he hadn’t eaten very much in the three days that it took to get to the village.
“So, how did you get here?” Aaron asked as he calmly watched Seth shovel forkfuls of food into his mouth.
“A magician, Amari, brought me here so I could get my wound healed.” Seth answered as he lifted his sleeve and displayed his gash, which had almost completely healed.
“How’d you get that?” Aaron asked in mild shock.
“Uh…I tripped over a rock while fighting a troll.” Seth replied, embarrassed that he received a wound like that from tripping over a measly rock.
“I see.” Aaron said quietly, then noticing Seth was finished with his food, he got up, walked over to Seth’s side of the table, and put his hand on Seth’s shoulder, motioning for him to get up. “Seth, there’s something I need to tell you, something that you need to know.”
“What is it?” Seth asked curiously as he got up and followed Aaron to a spot between two huts where the shadows concealed them.
“It’s about your family” Aaron said, and Seth’s eyes grew large as he leaned in closer, intent on hearing every word. Aaron looked down at his feet and shuffled them around, opening and closing his mouth numerous times, as if trying to find the right words to say.
“What about my family?” Seth asked, causing Aaron to look up.
“They’re not dead. They’re alive.”
I'm glad you like it! But it takes anywhere between 3 days to a week to a week and a half to write one episode, so be patient!

But I'm really happy that you guys like it! :)
I like this story, it needs a bit of tweaking, but I think it has potential. 7.2 out of 10 so far. Im hoping for this number to rise.
RE:  My Writing

Light Venusaur said:
ShadowX said:
Keep it going please I can't wait for more.
Same here....I can't wait eaither!

Shadow Writer...
...i realy dont know what to should make a realy have the talent.ohh, and agree with Light Venusaur and ShadowX.Keep it going.

I'm glad you guys like it! But the wait might have to go on, because my comp messed up a few weeks back, and my dad had to fix it, so now he has to re-install Word, which is what I used to type my story in, so it might be a while before I get back up and running. I was half done with chapt. four, so when my dad gets Word in, it should only be a few days. Sorry for the wait!
I read the first chapter (funnily enough, I just finished another book) and I really liked it. The storyline has good potential.

however, I think you can make your descriptions alot more powerful using stuff like metaphors and similles.
War of the Realms – Chapter Four

‘You mean…” Seth’s voice trailed off, his eyed wide and his mouth open in disbelief
“Yes.” Aaron said solemnly, gazing directly back into Seth’s eyes.
“But how could they have survived? I watched the house burn while being pulverized by the magicians’ spells.”
“They had a secret door that they had built in case of something like this. It led to an underground tunnel where the village would meet if a catastrophe struck, like the one that did. The only reason you never knew was because they didn’t want to frighten you. You were so young when it happened,” Aaron said as he put his hand on Seth’s shoulder.
“So, they’re not dead? And you know where they are, don’t you.”
“Yes, I know where they are, and won’t they be surprised when they see that their son is still alive.” Aaron replied with a faint smile.
“You mean they think I’m dead?!” Seth half asked half yelled. “Is that why they never searched for me?”
“Correct, they thought that it would be impossible for one so young to escape a group of magicians with trolls.” Seth’s only reply was silence. “Anyway, you’ve had enough to think about for one night, you should get some rest.”
“Aren’t you going to tell me where they are?” Seth protested.
“No, that’ll wait ‘till morning. I don’t want you running off on your own to find your parents.” Aaron said as he led Seth back to the open, leaving him when they met up with Amari.
“So what was that all about?” Amari asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Aaron just wanted to tell me some…stuff.” Seth replied, looking ahead.
“What kind of stuff?” But Seth made no motion to reply, so Amari let the subject go and walked in silence the rest of the way to the hut.

Seth gladly rested his head on his pillow, mulling over the things that Aaron had told him. Could they really be alive? He wondered, trying to picture his mother, frowning when no picture came. Finally he decided to imagine up a picture of his mother, what he thought she would be like. He picture auburn hair, curly hair that went down to her shoulders and playfully bounced up and down. He smile could light a whole room and brighten anyone’s mood, and her bright blue eyes were full of gentleness and caring. He pondered on this for a moment, wondering if this is how she really looked, or if it was just his view on what she would be like. But, either way, he decided to think about it no longer, relishing the fact that he might once again be reunited with his family. To not be alone was a thought that seemed to send energy rushing through his veins. He wanted to run out and find them right now, but Aaron was right, he needed help, and rest wouldn’t hurt either, so he closed his eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep inhabited by sweet dreams.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aaron slipped off into the darkness after watching Seth enter his hut, waiting a few moments before deeming it safe to enter the streets littered with unconscious drunkards. He crept quietly among the shadows, making sure that he didn’t step on anyone or knock anything over, thus giving him away and ruining his vital meeting with a very important person. He walked for a few minutes in the pitch black of the night, for the clouds floated under the moon, concealing its soft light. He walked towards a large dark hut that hung in-between the village borders and the wilderness that reached beyond. Then, after making sure that no one was following, he slipped in, the black door slowly closing behind him.
“I am here.” He said to the darkness at no one in particular, his words echoing off the walls.
“Good.” A voice boomed out of the darkness, causing shivers to run down Aaron’s spine. “Step forward.” Aaron quickly obeyed, stepping into a small stream of light that shot down from a small alcove in the ceiling.
“The magician has returned, and I told the boy, Seth, about his parents, he suspects nothing.” Aaron said with a grin.
“Good. And will he follow the instructions?”
“His longing for his family will greatly motivate him.” Aaron replied.
“Good. The events scheduled will take place as planned. You are dismissed.”
“And your promise?” Aaron asked as he starting turning towards the door, itching to leave.
“I will not hurt the boy. Now go!” Aaron recoiled at the powerful echo of the voice, then regaining his posture he walked out the door, running once he was back in the streets.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Seth woke up late in the day, around half-past-ten, judging by the position of the sun. He walked out of his tent and shielded his eyes, giving them a moment to adjust to the light. He looked around and grimaced as he saw that evidence of last night’s party was still littering the streets. Do they just live like slobs? Not a care in the world? He thought as he crinkled his nose and covered it with his sleeve as a sickly-sweet odor drifted past him, waiting a few minutes then sniffing to see if the coast was clear. After he deemed it possible to breath, he sucked in a large breath, savoring the crisp morning air. He bit the inside of his cheek and headed towards what he thought to be Aaron’s hut, thinking that since Aaron walked into somewhere in the middle of the night, it must be his. He walked up to the hut and stood in front of the door, wondering if he should just walk in or knock on the thin wooden frame that surrounded the leather sheet that concealed the inside of the hut. He chose the latter, and lifted his fist to knock on the door, when Aaron suddenly burst out of the hut and knocked a surprised Seth onto the ground.
“Well hello!” Aaron burst out.
“Not exactly the typical greeting,” Seth said as he dusted himself off.
“No, but define typical.”
“Whatever...” Seth mumbled. “Anyway, what do you want to do? I'm, well, bored.”
“These magicians aren't the type for fun unless they're drunk. Here, come, I'll show you around. You got any money?” Aaron asked.
“Yeah one second.” Seth said as he ducked back into the tent, emerging only a few moments later with six twenty-dollar bills. Aaron eyed them suspiciously, then patted his pocket, making sure that his own money was still there.
Seth and Aaron quickly set out, heading towards the more populated areas of the village, where shopkeepers were displaying goods as merchants haggled with unrelenting customers. Seth then spotted an interesting shop and made a bee-line for it, noticing how the shopkeeper straightened up and put on a smiling face as he walked nearer.
“Welcome, friend!” The man warmly said as he stretched out his hand.
“As if I'm your friend.” Seth mumbled as he shook the merchant's hand, wiping his hand on the back of his pants.
“Pardon me?” The man asked, still smiling.
“Oh, nothing.” Seth quickly replied.
“So, what have you got here?” Aaron stepped in, staring up and down at the racks of strange meats hanging on thick ropes.
“These,” The man started, pointing to the top rack. “Are gophers, imported all the way from South Korea.”
“There are gophers in South Korea?” Seth asked.
“What's left of it at least. They're everywhere now days. And these are wild Turkeys straight from the wilderness of Montana.” The man finished as he pointed to three different racks.
“Fascinating, a bunch of old dead stuff.” Seth said dryly as he walked towards a different booth displaying various types of blades. Aaron quickly excused himself and walked back to Seth, who was jealously eying a weapon which had and ax on one side, and a hammer on the other.
“That would be perfect for slicing a troll then bashing its head in. But carrying it...” Seth grinned as he rubbed his chin while handling the money in his pocket, trying to decide whether to purchase the weapon. But before he could make up his mind, a sudden scream caused him to shudder as he looked in the direction the sound came from, seeing a large beam of darkness shoot down from the sky smashing a large number of buildings to splinters. Seth worriedly looked over to Aaron, who was sorrowfully staring at the beam of darkness, then uttered three words that signaled the beginning of a horrific massacre;
“It has begun.”
Well, thanks, but chapter 5 might take a while. School is keeping me real busy, so I only have 1 paragraph of it done. Sorry, but it will come...someday...:(
War of the Realms – Chapter Five

Seth stared in mute horror at the dark beam that protruded from the sky as screaming people ran past him away from the beam, desperately trying to escape. But suddenly another giant beam shot out from the sky only thirty feet away from Seth, sending large beams of wood into the air to come crashing down on confused people. Seth watched as
A man tried to run through the darkness, releasing a bloodcurdling scream as the dark beam burned the flesh off his body, his white skeleton disintegrating before it hit the ground. Before Seth could turn to run, dark beams began rapidly shotting from the sky, and Seth then realized that whoever was doing it was creating a wall of darkness that would kill anyone before they got to the other side. Suddenly a firm hand grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards a quickly closing gap in the wall. Seth looked away from the panicked people and saw that it was Aaron who was leading him to the gap, that was now only a few meters wide. Suddenly Seth was shoved through the gap, turning around quick enough to watch it closed, surprised to see that the where as you couldn't see out, you could easily see in, for the wall was transparent from Seth's point-of-view.
“No, no, no, no, no!” Seth screamed as he watched Aaron run back into the town. The tears started flowing from down his cheeks and into the dry sand. He found the only friend he had, and just like that he was gone again. He'll never get through that! The wall's already encircled the town! Seth thought as he fell to his knees and pounded the ground in frustration. He watched as the last of his tears soaked into the ground, slowly getting back up after a moment. He then pulled himself back to reality, hearing the agonized screams of tortured villagers. He watched with a sick stomach as one man was sucked into a swirling purple ball, first his arm, then his leg, his other arm, then suddenly he turned into ash and was gone. He saw more and more screaming people attempt to flee, only to be incarcerated by the dark wall.

Seth sat there for hours, watching as more and more of the village was slaughtered, until only the occasional scream resounded as the sun set into the western sky. He sat there until the the sun was gone and moon had taken its nightly watch in the sky. Once night had fallen, the wall suddenly disappeared, leaving large burn marks in the ground. Seth walked into the city, an eerie feeling clouded around, causing Seth to feel groggy and light headed. He walked among the smashed buildings, surveying the litter of dead bodies that lay in the streets, most were maimed, while others had spears or knives through their gut. Bile rose up as the scene became more grotesque. Heads were torn from bodies, bloody hammers were left next to their barely recognizable victims with their faces smashed in. He had to look away from the horrific images that lay before him. Things that no one should ever see, yet are common among such times. He slowly walked out of the city as tears brimmed at his eyes. He didn't know why, but he deeply regretted what had happened to these people. They were only innocent victims of a massacre that had no real meaning. Neither women nor child were spared, only treated with the same violence as anyone else.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Seth woke up the next morning, his back ached and his head was throbbing, making even the slightest movement a challenge. It occurred to him that the reason for his pain was that he had fallen asleep on the hard ground. He got up as the happenings of yesterday crept back into his mid. He then remembered what Aaron had told him about his parents. His breath suddenly left him as he realized that he now had no way of knowing how to find his parents. All he knew is that they were with some group of soldiers. He didn't have an idea where they were, but he was determined to find them, so he got up and looked towards the south. He once heard rumors that there was a small encampment or soldiers to the south, gathering information on magicians, but he never believed them. Now all that was swept away as his mind latched onto the hope that he would soon be re-united with his parents that he presumed dead for so long. The hope overtook the dreadful feeling of the desert. Seth started walking, slowly at first because of his back, but after a few minutes he limbered up and felt back to his old self again. Then he remembered that Aaron ran back into the village, and Amari was nowhere to be found. He didn't particularly like Amari, but even he was better than no one at all. He was alone, with no one around, wandering around a huge waste land looking for a camp that's been hidden from the magician's prying eyes. How could he, a young man, find a camp that's been hidden from magicians of all people for so long. It's going to be a long road. he thought as he turned to look at the destroyed village for one last time, saying a silent prayer for the innocent who died in yesterday's slaughter.

He walked for days in the desert as Seth began to feel overwhelmed when he could see no end in the distance. No villages for miles on end, only the occasional small pond where Seth would fill his water canteen. And the only animals were lizards or snakes, giving Seth many aching stomachs from uncooked meals. And the wind would make it impossible to create a fire, so Seth had to rely on sheer luck to keep from freezing in the ice-cold desert nights. After what seemed like weeks of walking, Seth began to notice that instead of soft sand, the ground became hard, cracked ground. Ruins began appearing more and more often. And instead of small ponds, he found miniature jungles, filled with fruit and small poultry. He felt that he must be getting somewhere, causing his hopes to soar. He started walking faster and faster as the ruins just went on and on, never ending. The jungles became larger and larger until Seth had gotten lost countless times. After three months of straight walking in the wastelands, Seth stumbled upon a small silver dome. It had no windows, and on the side was written 5-2-6-8-E-R-G. Must be like an identification code or something. Seth didn't see any doors, or any other way to enter, so the next night he decided to camp out next to the dome. He finally succeeded in making a fire, glad that he could cook his food to its full potential, ending the chain of sickness that followed the uncooked reptiles he had eaten in the desert. After a nice dinner of bed he fruit and meat, he settled down on the bed of leaves and quickly fell asleep, dreaming about what his family might look like.

Seth woke up staring into a bright light shining right into his eyes. He tried to shield his eyes but couldn't. He looked down and saw that each were tied to one metal pole, each pole leading to his back. He then figured out he was sitting in a metal chair, a very uncomfortable metal chair. He then noticed that his jacket was gone, and he no longer felt the familiar weight of his beloved sling-blade. He panicked. That was his only weapon, and the only thing he knew how to fight with. Without it, he was helpless. He gave up struggling and slumped in his chair.
“Give up yet, kid?” A voice rang out of the darkness. It was hard and gruff, like sandpaper. “Eh? You done?” It asked again with a tone of impatience. Seth refused to answer. “Either way you'll have to speak sometime, stone face.” Suddenly two hands touched the table. Seth looked up to see a big man leaning on the table. He was rough, just like his voice, and his muscles were too big for the army fatigues that he wore. His heart jumped when he saw the dog tags around the man's neck and the Purple Heart pinned to his chest. This man was a soldier. “Mind to tell me why you were sneakin' around our camp?” The man asked as he stood back up and crossed his arms. Seth still didn't answer. He was too tired to think up a way to tell the man about his parents. Even the thought of being with his family couldn't overcome how exhausted he was. Suddenly his hands and feet were unbound, and the light was taken out of his eyes. He watched as the big man walked over to another man in a white coat and whispered something about lowering the dose on a drug, but Seth couldn't focus enough to listen. Strong hands grabbed each of his arms and lifted him up. He didn't struggle, he was too tired to get up on his own anyway, so he just walked with the help of the hands, towards a reasonably large cell that had two beds, a toilet, a sink, and even a television. The hands pushed him into the cell and shut the door. Seth listened as their footsteps faded away, then turned towards his bed. But Seth stopped in his tracks when he saw who has peacefully sleeping in one of the beds; Amari.