Ruling Mysterious Treasures question... (Release Date)


Aspiring Trainer
...well, first post here I guess. I lurk a lot, but had to just ask this question. >_> I'll still post more though. xD;;

We all know Mysterious Treasures is coming out next month, but the question I gotta ask is.. the August 22nd date, is it the shipping date or the actual in-store date?

(What I mean by shipping date is that, like for most video games, the release date is usually the day the games are shipped out, while they are sold the day after they come out in store.)

I'm just wondering because my best friend (who also plays the TCG) has his birthday the day after (August 23rd) and I'd like to see if I could possibly find the set in stores on the 23rd or not.

Thanks in advance guys, it's much appreaciated.

Ah okay... sounds good to me.

So does anyone here think I can find them in a Wal*Mart either on the 22nd/23rd? (The 23rd is my friends birthday... so I'm hoping I can get them on the 22nd instead, since I probably won't see them after the 23rd until the Monday after their birthday.)