XY Mystery Zone Eggs Glitch

Bad Egg, is that you?

Oh the fun times I had with *removed* and those things back in R/S/E. In hindsight it was pretty stupid, but eh, it was fun and the game's lost anyways.

Also, pretty off-topic, but your English is pretty good, ShinyVincent. There are always those snags, but I can understand what you're saying easily. ^^

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: I removed a part of your post. Keep in mind that it's against the rules to mention names of specific hacking tools!*
I was just curious if he spoke a different language other than English as his first language. Anyway, has this thing been confirmed by Nintendo yet?
evilpacman said:
I was just curious if he spoke a different language other than English as his first language. Anyway, has this thing been confirmed by Nintendo yet?

I think not.
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There's no cheating device released to the public, not that I know of. According to Gamefaqs, there's only a few hackers hacking the game and they are not releasing their methods or hacks to the public so it's highly unlikely that it was the hacker's fault.

Bad data and software is the more likely culprit but remember I am also an idiot so what do I know?
I haven't Wonder Traded for a week because I heard of this, so WT is actually safe? >_<

I guess just don't trade for Eggs from Friends, even if you trust them..?
Sounds like an anti-cheating feature that's being accidentally triggered somehow. (Got to admit, randomly screwing over slots in the PC is a pretty interesting tactic for this.) I'm sure Nintendo will probably release a fix at some point.
It is no different than the bad eggs you got in the past gens. Just move your Pokemon and try switching around boxes to see if it will disappear. If you have a lot of junk just hatch it and let it wipe your junk XD.:)
So here's what I know so far, there are apparently two different ways of acquiring the egg. One is a glitch that seems to be caused by bad connection or an error with data when going to use it, and the egg is received though you have nothing present up for trade. (Emphasis on seems, it may turn out to be all incorrect.) This way has been documented in two videos I've seen. Until proven otherwise, I say this way is the most plausible.

The other way is through hacking, using pricey tools and programs to spawn in hacked pokemon, and then send them away on the wonder trade. When the pokemon is received by another player, the game cannot read the pokemon and therefor converts/turns it into/whatever in to the egg because it is easiest for the game to handle the hack. From what I know about of the devices and programs used to connect game cartridges is limited. Additionally a couple game programming students who use some of these things (or claim to have used) told me it is risky for the user's data. As in, if you do not have full knowledge of what you're doing you can potentially permanently break your game. Since it takes a bit of know-how for this method and it's kinda complicated (to me at least.), and there is nothing documented that i know of, this way seems a a bit less possible.

Does anyone know of any talk about this getting fixed? I heard mention that this bug might be one unsaid bugs the 1.1 patch helped with.
Hacking the game seems like a less possible way for me. Sure, the 3DS has been hacked, but 3DS hackers don't live in every city of the planet. Also, such a thing like the egg has an awful lot of potential to ruin the hacker's game for good. If the game reads a hacked Pokemon's data as an egg, then the exact same thing could happen to the hacker: his hacked Pokemon might as well show up as eggs in his own game and wipe it out. Hacking the 3DS doesn't need Lisbet Salander's talent, but not any amateur hacker can do it, and an experienced hacker knows that some things he might do are potentially dangerous and therefore would be very careful about tampering with the game. On a side note, remember that supposedly X and Y have filters that prevent hacked Pokemon from being distributed or used in Wi-Fi battles.
Ok, so there's a program that was recently released to create hacked pokemon and put them onto your game. The only way to do this, however, is to have the program read the X or Y on the SD card and import the pokemon, but some people used this and, several hours after it was released, the Bad Eggs from Hell started spreading across the Wonder Trade. This most likely means the pokemon is received from a trade and placed into the spot where the previous pokemon was. Once it comes into your game, the game recognizes the fact that the pokemon is nonexistant and fails to delete it or respond to it, as it saved when it realized this. This makes it so it does not properly delete the data and leaves behind corrupted data as a Bad Egg. Now, how to solve this problem is still unknown... But, I recommend not using Wonder Trade at all for a while. I don't know about GTS, but I'm guessing that it checks your pokemon before starting the trade.
Chocolate Death said:
The only way to do this, however, is to have the program read the X or Y on the SD card and import the pokemon, but some people used this and, several hours after it was released, the Bad Eggs from Hell started spreading across the Wonder Trade. This most likely means the pokemon is received from a trade and placed into the spot where the previous pokemon was.

Do you know when this happened? Unless the videos have been proven fake and i don't know about it yet, the earliest case known was within a few days after the game's release and that one seemed to be caused by something within the game not hack related, like an error caused by a bad connection. Or a glitch of some sort.
Axell Starr said:
Chocolate Death said:
The only way to do this, however, is to have the program read the X or Y on the SD card and import the pokemon, but some people used this and, several hours after it was released, the Bad Eggs from Hell started spreading across the Wonder Trade. This most likely means the pokemon is received from a trade and placed into the spot where the previous pokemon was.

Do you know when this happened? Unless the videos have been proven fake and i don't know about it yet, the earliest case known was within a few days after the game's release and that one seemed to be caused by something within the game not hack related, like an error caused by a bad connection. Or a glitch of some sort.

Videos? What videos? Some guys made a program to do it and put up the whole Pokemon X and Y data thing up for all hackers to use. I'd link you to it but I can't do that on here. I know the picture of it looks like *removed* but shows "Pokemon ID" with their national dex number and "Move ID" with a square for a number for the Move's ID number. Then the other pic is of a shiny female Gible with perfect stats and everything being viewed in the PC.
Apparently, they provided the download on multiple sites and many people began to use the thing and occasionally trade the pokemon to help people I suppose?

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: Keep in mind that naming hacking tools is against the rules! I removed that part of your post. *
Edit: My bad... I hope Im allowed to say it was P***gen so people at least know what it is without me actually naming it. I just find that "it looks like *removed* but shows..." makes little to no sense.. Sorry if I'm still screwing up ^-^'
Chocolate Death said:
Videos? What videos?

From what I saw one was a guy showing the egg he claims got by glitch from trying to use the wonder trade, then (if I remember correctly) got another one during or right before recording. It was some video on youtube. Video was dated somewhere within a week after the game's release. I don't remember anything about the other video at the moment. If the video was falsified and I don't know, let me know. The video did not show him actually trying to trade, so it easily could have been faked.
Sorry for bumping this and for not being on for so long!

Anyway the guy uploaded a new video about the eggs,It in my original post so go check it out :)

The guy said the eggs will go on forever,I also think I heard that if you pick one up put it in another place it will be still there where you had it.

Also the egg are still not caused by wonder trading so it safe! Thought I still recommand to be careful.

It could be caused by wrong data in the sd card/game.

My theroy is that the update that remove the lumiose city glitch has something to do with it.
winner133 said:
It could be caused by wrong data in the sd card/game.

My theroy is that the update that remove the lumiose city glitch has something to do with it.

It's because of things messing up and erroring out when it freezes, correct?
Axell Starr said:
winner133 said:
It could be caused by wrong data in the sd card/game.

My theroy is that the update that remove the lumiose city glitch has something to do with it.

It's because of things messing up and erroring out when it freezes, correct?
