Wi-Fi Trades Mysticfruit's Player Thread

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My Friend Code: 2793 6510 6193
AIM: Mysticfruit
MSN: [email protected]
Contact Time: 3:00 PM MST to 10:00 PM, Mondays through Friday.

1. Legit Pokemon please
2. I accept clones however
3. If level 100 pokemon are offered then I'll need to know the EV spread and Nature.


10 ANIV Celebi - Quiet UT
Eevee - Timid UT
Eevee - Timid UT
Gible - Adamant UT
Giratina - Relaxed UT (Pokerus)
Moltres - Lonely UT
Larvitar - Jolly UT (Dragon Dance)
Larvitar - Jolly UT (Dragon Dance)
Larvitar - Adamant UT
Scyther - Adamant UT
Scyther - Adamant UT
Mudkip - Adamant UT
Mudkip - Impish UT
Pikachu - Sassy UT (Volt Tackle)
Spiritomb - Bold UT
Treecko - Adamant UT
Torterra - Gentle Lv100
Umbreon - Hasty Lv100

Heracross - Hasty EVed (255Atk, 255Speed)
Ninjask - Careful Lv100 Eved (255Def, 255Sp.Def)
Scizor - Adamant EVed (32HP, 252Atk, 224Speed)

Shiny Metagross - Adamant EVed (112Hp, 252Atk, 12Def, 132Speed)
Shiny Bronzor - Naive UT
Shiny Bagon - Serious UT
Shiny Dunsparce - Calm UT
Shiny Nosepass - Adamant UT
Shiny Pichu - Docile UT
Shiny Pichu - Relaxed UT
Shiny Pichu - Brave UT
Shiny Phanphy - Docile UT
Shiny Spoink - Relaxed UT
Shiny Spoink - Mild UT
Shiny Zubat - Docile UT

TM04 Calm Mind
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM26 Earthquake
TM29 Psychic
TM35 Flamethrower
TM44 Rest
TM50 Overheat

Fire Stones
Leaf Stones
Water Stones
Thunder Stones
Moon Stones


Ditto - Modest
Jirachi - Timid/Neutral Nature
Mewtwo - Modest/Timid
Suicune - Bold/Calm/Timid/Modest
Ho-Oh - Adamant/Jolly
Latias - Timid/Modest (Major want)
Latios - Timid/Modest
Kyogre - Modest/Timid
Palkia - Modest/Timid
Dialga - Quiet/Timid/Modest

Almia Darkrai
Alamos Darkrai
Mystry Mew
NoK Mew
NoK Rayquaza
TRU Dragonite
TRU Regigigas
TRU Shaymin

Other Shiny Pokemon

TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM51 Roost
TM64 Explosion
TM71 Stone Edge
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM81 X-Scissor
TM86 Grass Knot
TM91 Flash Cannon

Black Sludge
Light Ball
the Kyogre and Mewtwo are 100 ev'd, I can get you a lv70 UT kyogre if you want though, and the palkia is 50 ut(I think).
er, I ment the Scizor and the Spoink for whatever.

also, the Palkia MIGHT not be ut, my brother caught it and its level 50 but you catch it on pearl at 47.

knowing my brother though, its prolly rare candys.
alright, I'll be on in a sec.

Oooh, snap, the UT kyogre is on my friends card >.<

I'll hit you up on AIM when I get it? prolly tomorrow?
Im interested in your Ninjask - Careful Lv100 Eved (255Def, 255Sp.Def) and Treecko I can offer you a Swablu for it.
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