News Mythical Pokemon Collections

Would've been more nice if there was a Corsola or two in between the coral. The drawing has a nice small story with the background and add great depth. More cards should be like this.
Give me that pin or I'll pull a Jean Grey (not saying what it is because spoilers. Anyway it's X-Men Apocalypse for any of you who didn't know that. What she does at the end is just...).
Compared to the regular Elite Trainer Boxes, with the addition of two more packs and a promo (and those spiffy Generations energies), $10 more sounds perfectly acceptable to me.
All I really want are the dice and sleeves. Not gonna drop 50 bucks for this.
Is that a typo in the header? Either way, good to see it won't kill wallets around the––wait... It'll still kill wallets around the world.
When all is said and done all I want is that Shaymin EX promo. The box would be nice but at fifty dollars, I don't know. Got everything I need from Generations already, bar the desire to have another M. Charizard EX but aside from that...

Guess I'll worry about it in July.
Watch Target end up putting these on shelves in like late June, I mean it seems probable.