Mythical Pokemon Distributions Each Month, New R/B 3DS Bundle

Ooooh, I really love those cover plate designs. Shame it's not a N3DSXL or I'd be tempted to upgrade, but I really like the bigger screen (stupid terrible eyesight).
Hopefully the new 3DS comes to Europe as well.
EDIT: Never mind, Europe are getting 2DS gen 1 bundles instead.
Same for the events (specifically the Gamestop-exclusive ones), though in my opinion, they should've made all of the event 'mons available via Nintendo Network.
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Distributing every mythical pokémon so players can finally have a full dex with all pokémon in gen 6 (...hence why ORAS had all the remaining legendaries and even Deoxys).
Very cool thing they decided to do (and the TCG boxes were already hinting at that) but why the hell some are through wi-fi, while others (which, no surprise, are the more popular ones) are store events?
I don't know how it's going to be in my country for the ones distributed in stores but please, anything but serial codes! I was so relieved they did the Hoopa event through Nintendo Zone at the store instead of serial codes.

btw, that Victini sucks big time. They're distributing a Victini without V-create. No use for that... This is why V-create should be in its learnset or through a move tutor like Keldeo/Meloetta.
Even though I already have my Living Dex completed, I think I'll at least try to get the Nintendo Network downloads. I would like to get an Arceus though; but will have to wait until August to get a chance to do so.
Distributing every mythical pokémon so players can finally have a full dex with all pokémon in gen 6 (...hence why ORAS had all the remaining legendaries and even Deoxys).
Very cool thing they decided to do (and the TCG boxes were already hinting at that) but why the hell some are through wi-fi, while others (which, no surprise, are the more popular ones) are store events?
I don't know how it's going to be in my country for the ones distributed in stores but please, anything but serial codes! I was so relieved they did the Hoopa event through Nintendo Zone at the store instead of serial codes.
Absolutely agree: anything but serial codes!! One of the Game Stop(s) here in Rome (where I live) told me that they only receive like 30/40 serial codes, and they give away all of them in like 10 minutes, and then they don't receive codes anymore for that event. I even wrote an e-mail to the customer care of Poké, and told 'em that these serial code distributions are so unfair, because a lot of people grabs more than 1 code and then they buy them on eBay or something like that... and I don't want to pay for an event that is intended to be free!
Mew being Gamestop-exclusive annoys me greatly because it's a big middle finger to Europe.
So whilst Japan and US are getting a Mew event in February, Europeans are lumbered with the knowledge that they have not had a Mew event since Gen 4, back in October 2010.
I am curious as to why Yellow isn't included in the New3DS bundle, though EU is confirmed to get the RBY 2Dses so there is that.
Whoa. I totally called it. When I heard about the monthly Mythical boxes, I thought it would be awesome if they actually distributed these Pokemon in the games every month. Turns out I was right!

I'm crying this is so amazing! X,D
Whoa, those are some pretty impressive promotions. I would've never imagined with the sheer lack of events we've been having lately that they could coordinate an entire year of events and that New 3DS bundle is awfully tempting.
I need that Arceus. In past GS events, I was able to download them just by standing outside the store. Might be a useful tip for those who don't want to be told to preorder Madden 2017 a billion times.
Yah I was also hoping to just park by a store and hopefully be close enough to download the event Pokemon, it's what I did with the Hoopa event that just recently happened.
Love the new Sugimori art, makes this announcement all the more exciting! It's especially neat to see Mew, and compare it to his original artwork of it from Gen 1, he's come so far as an artist! And speaking of Mew, I still remember the days of going in to the stores, attaching a link cable, and having to trade for the event Pokemon (and hoping they might give you a shiny one, if that was even possible haha)!
Is this really official artwork by Ken Sugimori . The quality look quite drop for me . Especially the artwork for Shaymin , Jirachi ,Mew , Arceus . Compare to the previous art by Sugimori . This is look like a pokemon fanart for me .
Kinda disappointed about the lack of Venusaur plates. But, love the idea of one Mythical Pokemon every month. I just hope I'll be able to snag a Mew at my local Gamestop before they disappear! In regards to Ken's artwork, I think it is magnificent. I have no idea as to why it is getting so much hate!