BW/BW2 N´s Father the leader os Team plasma ?


Aspiring Trainer

What do you guys think ?
There is a good resemblance between the two.But it is quite early to tell.I really can't make anything of it yet until official KS artwork is revealed.
I believe that he is his father. Similar goals (although N seems to be less radical). And probably the most convincing evidence: Doesnt the leader of Plasma bestow a crown on someone else in one of the trailers? Possibly giving the crown to N to rule over the new world?
There might be some possible resemblance between those two. Though we can't really be sure until we get some more images and what the potential role of the character may be. We need more information and pictures to be positive if N's father is actually the leader of Team Plasma.
I believe that he is N`s father.Anyway I agree with Ice Arceus that we should have more info related to them.

VPplaya said:
I believe that he is his father. Similar goals (although N seems to be less radical). And probably the most convincing evidence: Doesnt the leader of Plasma bestow a crown on someone else in one of the trailers? Possibly giving the crown to N to rule over the new world?

why does every1 say that it was N being crowned, that person and N have only 1 similarity; hair color. they have different haircuts and eye shape.
Shadow Arceus said:
why does every1 say that it was N being crowned, that person and N have only 1 similarity; hair color. they have different haircuts and eye shape.
How many people are both similar in goals AND in hair color? (Green of all colors lol)
oh oh oh i have a theory:
What if that is his father but N doesnt except how is dads treats pokemon and because of that N wants to seperate "Pokemon and Human" See it all ties together! XD

EDIT: Watch at the end where you face Team Plasma's leader N will help you because he sees the wrong and them or it might be a crossroad situation.
His dad is saying "Come with us" and you(Black or Cheren) are saying "You know who the good guys are!" N has to choose which side and it would be a very suspenful moment lol :)

my theory: N's family either founded team plasma in the middle ages or they are high ranking members. N left tp because he didnt agree with the way they ran things, so he left to pursue the same goal, but a different way: instead of using Reshiram to "free" pokemon, he wants to use zekrom to "free" pokemon(and reversed in the other version). and about half way through the story tp has a coup or impeaches N's dad(who was the leader) because he lost to you. so N's grandfather/uncle crowns N's sibling, who has it out for n because he left tp, the new leader of tp. so eventually you make N see the error of his ways and you team up against tp to defeat them
If this is true I think I won't be buying this game because it is a complete rup of from Silver whose father was giovanni. Silver who hated TR not because of their goals or how they treat pokemon, but because his father was in it. That crowning could be in the games past like when you read an old book so it could be an ancestor of N. Also the 'cheif' who we saw talking to team plasma(Boss/Admin maybe) had no resemblance to N.
what guy talking to TP. there was a guy talking to a crowd that the player character, cheren , and N were in, who had green hair...
Hian said:
If this is true I think I won't be buying this game because it is a complete rup of from Silver whose father was giovanni. Silver who hated TR not because of their goals or how they treat pokemon, but because his father was in it. That crowning could be in the games past like when you read an old book so it could be an ancestor of N. Also the 'cheif' who we saw talking to team plasma(Boss/Admin maybe) had no resemblance to N.

Ehh, I wouldn't compare or contrast based off of Overworld sprites. I agree with you to some extent, though; the only similarity between the two is hair color.

And, yeah, the guy with the crown definitely looks like N.

1. He's *clearly* related to TP, who shares a common goal with N.
2. His hair style is similar to N's.
3. The hair COLOR between N and the crown guy is the same.

I'm pretty sure GF is trying to tell us something.
the guy getting crowned has a different hair style and eye shape, which makes me think its N's sibling(read earlier post if u want 2 more bout what im talking about)