N’s Joltik from Battle Partners!

why does joltik have more competitive cards than pinsir

edit: the card seems alright. i could see it being teched to use this on a turn where you miss a ohko due to a bravery charm or one of those tool acespecs, by the zoroark
Im only one who feels that Ns mirror will be painful and miserable?

Turn 2 - Turn1Player will use Darmanitan attack to whipe out a Zorua and Darumaka (Theres no bench protection revealed yet and I dont expect to print a new one so early after Manaphy leave) leaving Turn2player the only option to attack with Reshiram second attack (170) 6-4

Turn 3 - T1P 170s damaged Zoruark use Reshiram first attack (340) 6-2, T2P attack with 170 again 4-2

Turn 4 - T1P attack 170, T2P attack back (340) and KO the second T1P Zoroark 2-2

Turn 5 - T1P attack with 170, GAME!!!

—Alternative route—

Turn 4 - T1P Boss Reshiram and KO 4-1 T2P can only do 170 back (If get Reshiram back...)

Turn 5 - T1P Use Sigilyph and take the last prize, GAME!!!

There still a KlingKlang left which I think is gonna be the last Ns Pokemon but will suffer from the same fate as Darmanitan, if is good the basic will be take it down as soon as a player get his own Darmanitan in field and this player will likely not allow the setup of new Pokemons after that
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Could be a good card if tools become dominant in other trainers decks (Lillie's Pearl comes to mind). If every trainer for the full year gets their own tool card, which is looking possible, it may be worth including
I highly doubt this card will see play beyond being a niche tech option, even in N decks. Similar cards have been printed before and never saw much play, such as the recent Mow Rotom. A Pachirisu from Lost Thunder also comes to mind, having a very similar attack, with the differences being it cost 1 Lightning energy and dealt slightly less/more dmg depending on whether or not the opposing active Pokémon actually had a tool attached. That card also never saw play as far as I remember. Imo this joltik is more of a sidegrade compared to these cards, since the attack cost is completely colorless (like Mow Rotom) and can paralyze (like Pachirisu), but requires two colorless energy.
It's still one attachment tho with Ns PP up. Also you'll rarely be ever using this specific card to attack. 99% of the time it'll be thru zoroark. But yes it is a niche tech. It'll see play here and there, but I don't think in every Ns deck.
Might be a cool tech card to nullify Bravery charms, heroes cape, survival brace and stuff like that. People saying it counters budew dont know what they're talking about. It only paralyzes if there is a tool so 99% of the time you're not getting a para. Furthermore you're not getting a para on budew as it KOs it. So if they bring up another one you're still item locked. If you wanna play a dark pokemon in Ns that has usefulness as a pivot/budew KO there are better options.