****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 13
* 1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
* 1 Guzzlord-GX CIN 63
* 1 Buzzwole-GX CIN 57
* 2 Pheromosa-GX PR-SM SM66
* 1 Xurkitree-GX PR-SM SM68
* 1 Celesteela-GX PR-SM SM67
* 2 Kartana-GX CIN 70
* 2 Nihilego-GX CIN 49
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
##Trainer Cards - 29
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 1 Rescue Stretcher BUS 165
* 3 N NVI 101
* 3 Nest Ball SUM 158
* 3 Brigette BKT 161
* 3 Ultra Ball SUM 161
* 3 Sky Field ROS 89
* 1 Scramble Switch PLS 129
* 2 Guzma BUS 143
* 4 VS Seeker ROS 110
* 2 Field Blower GRI 163
##Energy - 10
* 4 Rainbow Energy XY 131
* 3 Blend Energy {W} {L} {F} {M} DRX 118
* 3 Blend Energy {G} {R} {P} {D} DRX 117
Total Cards - 52
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
Get as many ultra beasts in play as possible and use nagnadel gxs first attack to do up to 160 damage for one energy!
##Pokémon - 13
* 1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
* 1 Guzzlord-GX CIN 63
* 1 Buzzwole-GX CIN 57
* 2 Pheromosa-GX PR-SM SM66
* 1 Xurkitree-GX PR-SM SM68
* 1 Celesteela-GX PR-SM SM67
* 2 Kartana-GX CIN 70
* 2 Nihilego-GX CIN 49
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
##Trainer Cards - 29
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 1 Rescue Stretcher BUS 165
* 3 N NVI 101
* 3 Nest Ball SUM 158
* 3 Brigette BKT 161
* 3 Ultra Ball SUM 161
* 3 Sky Field ROS 89
* 1 Scramble Switch PLS 129
* 2 Guzma BUS 143
* 4 VS Seeker ROS 110
* 2 Field Blower GRI 163
##Energy - 10
* 4 Rainbow Energy XY 131
* 3 Blend Energy {W} {L} {F} {M} DRX 118
* 3 Blend Energy {G} {R} {P} {D} DRX 117
Total Cards - 52
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
Get as many ultra beasts in play as possible and use nagnadel gxs first attack to do up to 160 damage for one energy!