Pokemon NAME for the 5TH GEN?

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IN POKEMON DARKNIGHT u can pick the bad guy side of the game & catch Pokes for an evil organization

In DAYLIGHT u can save the Poke world!!!
Although I still think pokémon Orange and Lemon is the best, here are some other ideas:
Pokémon cats and dogs (lol)
pokémon pain and horror (why not, huh?)
Pokémon Mystery and Legend (would be cool if both were referring to mew ;) )
Pokémon Stone and Twig (huray for pathetic names!)
Pokémon Tsunami and Typhoon (would give us some cool legends :F)
Pokemon BrightSun & Pokemon DarkMoon
Pokemon ShiningSilver & Pokemon GlitteringGold
Pokemon Daylight & Pokemon Darknight
Pokemon Amber & Pokemon Topaz

r a few^ that i came up with
Rickraptor77 said:
Pokemon BrightSun & Pokemon DarkMoon
Pokemon ShiningSilver & Pokemon GlitteringGold
Pokemon Daylight & Pokemon Darknight
Pokemon Amber & Pokemon Topaz

r a few^ that i came up with
i posted the same thing i thoght id be the only one
to think of that except i misspelled it
i really think pokemon platinum sounds really cool. how about Pokemon:
- Bixbite (red gemstone)
- Heliodor (yellow gemstone)
- Opal
- Palladium
*weird yet cool names.lol
Pokemon Ammolite (from fossils formed from the shells of extinct ammonites)
Pokemon Ivory?
Pokemon Platinum, Amethyst, Amber, Onyx, Garnett, Jade, Opal, Zircon are all great ones.
how about pokemon coal and aquamarine. pokemon heaven and hell muhahah! just kidding
a thought passed by: POKEMON JURASSIC!!!
Actually it is not. Get the may issue of nintendo power and it has a big article about D/P and also sugimori has plans for a 5th generation but probobly will start working on it soon.:)
Well, maybe
Pokemon Organic, Plastic
they can get an argument from that name

Pokemon Past, future
A little more zelda but.

Pokemon Cyan,Magenta, Yellow and Black
Why not

Pokemon Do, Re

anyway Pokemon Lemon rules

Um well we have to be reasonbale here people::
Yes we would all really enjoy a 5th gen BUT!!!! that would be a bit much, but i would think that if they did create a 5th gen, then they would follow the rare stones names and go for something like...

Pokemon Garnet/Topaz/ Or even Amethyst. but after they realease Diamond and Pearl i think that they will release another game similar like they did with ruby, sapphire and then emerald? Any one else agree on that idea?
lol. How about making the suggested retail prices for U.S. and Canada the titles: Pokemon $29.95 and Pokemon (whatever they go for in Canadian money). Or pokemon (however many yen) and pokemon (however many rubles).

Or they could name them after candies: Pokemon Peppermint and Pokemon licorish.
pokemon relic - gen full of fossil and dinosaur pokemons
pokemon platinum - full of steel or rock pokemons i think
pokemon 300 (hahaha:D)- full of pokemons with glory lol:D
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