Pokemon names for 4th gen;are you happy?

do you like them

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I konw a lot of 4th gen names; Infernape, Chimchar, Turtwig, Manaphy, Starly, Mothim, Burmy, Wormadam and lots more! They are really cool!
like in the last 3 generations, at first i hated the names especially the long names, but i managed to be ok with it afterall. same as before....:D
i dont like almost all of them. They are too long, too complicated, and not so simple words, i liked their jap names better ( for some )...i was ok with Pochama but Piplup jst gave that cute little penguin a bad name... its also kinda disappointing to me that Rentoraa's english name is Luxray, and its prevo's, Shinx and the other one, its now a shame that Rentoraa is my favorite electric. Dotaitoise was awesome!...until Torterra came and ruined that pokemon :(. I think the best name they came up ( English ) is Infernape, the others are just fine.
SUMMARY: I dont like 'em ( almost )
Mostly Decent, some Bad, some Great.

Bad one: Vespiquen is a very bad name, Beequeen was alot better.
Great one: Roserade and Lickilicky. i reallly love the name Lickilicky
I really think that Pochama, Dotaitoise and Beequeen are better names than those English ones.