"Creative deck names" are actively bad for the game. It puts off newcomers when they hear about decks called "The Truth" or "Dark Blade" at a tournament. If we're talking about 5 Truth decks winning Regionals, to someone who is unfamiliar with the metagame, that means NOTHING. If we say that Metanite won nationals, that makes more sense. Meta = Metagross, Nite = Dragonite. Kinda starts making sense. Now if we say that CMT, Celebi Mewtwo Tornadus, got T8 at worlds, it instantly makes sense. Truth tells us nothing about what is in the deck, so it can put off newcomers who are not already familiar with the metagame. I'm sure you all want to be your own special snowflakes, but when your creation limits the enjoyment of the game for others, think twice about your "creative deck name".
If you need an example of this, look at MTG. Names such as "The Rock" or "Full English Breakfast" have been thrown around enough that nobody knows what they refer to. Any Black/Green player can call his deck "The Rock", but the original "The Rock" dealt with a very particular set of cards. "Full English Breakfast" won a few Pro Tours, but no one except for the creators of the deck really know what that deck name refers to. Look it up. These deck names require more conversation to actually figure out what cards are in the deck. Better names, such as Red/White Agro, or Blue/White Control tell you what colors the deck is and what the deck's goal is. Creative names don't help the deck become any cooler, just more confusing.