naruto shippuden 119&120

Oh, you mean the Kakashi Chronicles? If I'm right, they weren't 119&120, they were just some random episodes out there...

Anyways, since I read the manga like 20 times I totally knew what would happen, but they really made it sad when Obito died.
It was sad at the second part (I mean really sad like when Lelouche dies in Geass) but in the first part I was like What the heck Kakashi was a jerk then at the end i felt that Kakashi lived a suckish life
I love the the Kakashi Chronicles! I actually read the manga a long while ago and I recently just stumbled across the anime.

But as for my thoughts, I thought Kakashi at first was kind of a jerk, but i knew what had happened to his father. So from that point on i kinda gave him a break. After all, he is pretty awesome!

As for the second part and Obito's death, I found that very sad. Especially when right before he died, he was thinking about how he never got to tell Rin how he felt about her and also how he and Kakashi were finally getting along. It kinda tugged at my heart strings.:/
Rayquaza95 said:
You guys realize Obito is a member of akatski right? He isn't dead.

If your referring to Tobi, that is incorrect. Obito is quite dead. Madara Uchiha (aka Tobi) is the true leader of the Akatski.
Yakkov is correct.
In chapter 397, volume 43, it reveals that Madara Uchiha is in fact Tobi of the Akatski.
Yakkov said:
Rayquaza95 said:
You guys realize Obito is a member of akatski right? He isn't dead.

If your referring to Tobi, that is incorrect. Obito is quite dead. Madara Uchiha (aka Tobi) is the true leader of the Akatski.

I thought Pein was the leader.
Pein is just a member, Madara Uchiha is the real leader, that was just a rumor about Obito.​
Anyways, Pein can't be the leader (sorta.) Nagoto controls Pein, making him the leader if Madara wasn't around.