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^I drive more than an hour for battle roads. Most competitive people drive a couple hours every weekend during city season. And is there good food in Indy. I'll be flying in probs by wednesday night
ApachePrime said:
9? I'm driving from Florida. That's 18 hours.

How slow are you going you live closer then me and it takes me like 12- 14 from tampa. ANyway I WILL be there and will not be going 2-6 again lol :( that day sucked haha anyway until then

This means I might be able to go, it's in the same place as GenCon too(not same weekend). Hopefully I can go, LOL, it's on my home turf(I got to touch the turf when it was still the RCA Dome and the colts played there). I really Hope I can go this year :)

I marched on the RCA dome turf 23 times. Even on the pre-2005 turf (the old 3 inch carpet turf.)

I'm pretty excited that it's finally in the city it deserves to be in, the true gaming capital of the world!
I hope in my last tourney as a senior I can somewhat good(if I go .500 I'll be happy)
If they release the cards I want them to I already have a deck.....:)
ApachePrime said:
9? I'm driving from Florida. That's 18 hours.

Ok that is ridiculous. Driving for 18 Hrs, Nationals? If it was worlds it would be a different story. But I guess that is true dedication.
My friends and I thinnk we know, why it was put in our state, lol! (Also, I set up a thread that helps people with the Inidiana Metagame, either for States or Nationals.)
WailmerMan said:
^I drive more than an hour for battle roads. Most competitive people drive a couple hours every weekend during city season. And is there good food in Indy. I'll be flying in probs by wednesday night
I drive 3-10 for citys and 2-3 for BR's. Anyways, I liked it when it was in Columbus, only 15 minute drive! I'll probably get in by Friday for some side events. Lets make a pokebeach meeting area!
gengar the baller said:
Yes, now I get to drive 16 hours.

About 10-12 for me. You have it baaaad. Lol. But I am so going. Frozendukie and I are chilling, it'll be a PARTAY. I really really can't wait...
I might go, if my friend wins states or regionals. But I'll have to pay for my part of the airline/hotel.
Haha. This will be my first nats as well.
Is it like worlds or better? I've heard nats is better, but I'm not sure why.
its better. theres more people. and i think its more fun overall because of all the side events and just the energy of the place is more fun than worlds.
kashmaster said:
Ok that is ridiculous. Driving for 18 Hrs, Nationals? If it was worlds it would be a different story. But I guess that is true dedication.

Been to Worlds. Only drove an hour to be there.

Here's the big difference: The Grinder(And then league) vs Nats. 1 day of 9 rounds straight, against the best in the world that didn't make it and still flew all the way to wherever worlds is vs 3 days of 9-12 rounds with breaks and the best of one country's players. Nats is by far more fun to go to than Worlds, especially since I won't be getting an invite.

Playing at Nats was the best tournament I've ever played in. There were a few issues I had with the location and staffing, but the tournament itself was amazing. With the new location my biggest issues with Nats is resolved. There are TONS of places within walking distance of the convention center in Indy. I just hope the League line is better staffed/planned for this year. Gary and Matt were SLAMMED and did not have the bandwidth to go much faster.

On a side note: I hope everyone that comes this year can learn from my mistake last year. We stayed in the cheapest hotel we could find. This lead to a miserable sleeping arrangement and a super cranky Team Upset due to the disgusting breakfast experiences. Splurge a bit on the room, and make sure to get enough sleep!
elekid957 said:
its better. theres more people. and i think its more fun overall because of all the side events and just the energy of the place is more fun than worlds.
Yeah, but at worlds last year and the year before I liked being out in the halls and trading for JPN merchandice and cards. But the host last year was just ANNOYING. Also, Lets make a pokebeach meeting area! (A hotel, restaraunt, certain place in the convention center, etc.)
piplup234 said:
Yeah, but at worlds last year and the year before I liked being out in the halls and trading for JPN merchandice and cards. But the host last year was just ANNOYING. Also, Lets make a pokebeach meeting area! (A hotel, restaraunt, certain place in the convention center, etc.)

I would say the best recognizable spot would be at that corner of the convention center across from the baseball field
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