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Near Perfect (My Opinion) TDK Deck


Great Trainer
Pokemon: 12
  • 4 Deoxys-EX
  • 2 Thundurus-EX
  • 1 Keldeo-EX
  • 3 Kyurem
  • 1 Absol
Trainers: 36
  • 4 N
  • 4 Prof. Juniper
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 1 Comp. Search
  • 3 Plasma Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Silver Mirror
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy
  • 4 Blend Energy LWMF
  • 1 Blend Energy GRPD
Beat your opponent by speed. I have worked for a long time getting this deck list great, now I want your opinion. Landed 2nd and 7th-5th in local tournaments. Thanks for looking. Good Luck

Edited your decklist to coincide with the rules! ~Kecleon
I wouldn't call any deck "near perfect". It may be a good list, but nothing is perfect. Anyways, with all of the different variations on decks these days, it is all opinion-based for which deck is the best. Now to the list. What's up with the one Silver Mirror? In a TDK list that runs Absol and Kyurem along with Keldeo EX, the Tool of choice is definitely Silver Bangle. Othewise the list looks pretty good.
+1 Professor Juniper
+1 Silver Mirror

-1 Ultra Ball/Team Plasma Ball
-1 Skyla

4 Juniper is pretty standard for almost every deck in-format. I love Skyla, but you shouldn't need more than 12 Supporters. An extra Mirror is really nice, seeing as most TDK run Scrapper these days.

Your Pokémon search is a bit heavy. You could do without one of your Balls; I would personally take out an Ultra Ball.
Nice list, I would prefer only 1 keldeo since your bench will practically always be full so you won't use both keldeos in a game. Its very unlikely that 1 will be prized but if one is its not much of a problem. Also try running one blend (GRPD) since its very good on absol and deoxys in which you only run 4 prism energies so being able to attack with absol or deoxys maybe tricky.

Also if your Metagame where you are is a lot of blastoise and darkrai then I would consider running 2-3 frozen city since it works incredibly well against these decks.
I like the Keldeo Idea. In my metagame it's tool drop trubbish, blastoise variants, TDK and a little Darkrai Hydreigon. Should I switch 1 Keldeo for 1 Blend or frozen city?
Seems like a solid list. Though personally, I'd drop 1 Keldeo for a 3rd Scrapper, but then I'm just crazy... :p
(All those Garbodors, Toolboxes, G-Boosters, and most importantly, Mirrors.)
145Platinum said:
I like the Keldeo Idea. In my metagame it's tool drop trubbish, blastoise variants, TDK and a little Darkrai Hydreigon. Should I switch 1 Keldeo for 1 Blend or frozen city?

I would replace keldeo with a frozen city since it would be good since your meta is blastoise, darkrai, and trubbish. I would also try and find something else to drop for a second frozen city as well, defiantly a plasma ball but also a silver bangle maybe? Running 8 tools may be a bit too many so a 2-2 silver bangle/mirror should be fine. I prefer bangle over mirror so I would personally drop the silver mirrors but its your choice.

For the blend (GRPD), you could take out a blend (WFML) but It depends if you rely a lot upon absol or deoxys. If you do I would recommend it but if you don't so much, I would just keep 4 blend (WFML) in.
how about this:

- 1 Keldeo-EX
- 1 Plasma Ball
+ 2 Frozen City

3-1 Bangle/Mirror

- 1 Blend WFML
+ 1 GRPD Blend

Had 1 Empty space so i brought back a plasma Ball. should I change it for another Frozen City
I would actually consider switching it out for a Skyla or a Random Receiver. 2 Frozen City is pretty standard.
Frozen City seems a waste imo. You 1shot anything anyway, no point wasting a Deck slot on something that doesn't do much anyway. Only really good against Blastoise, and you can 1shot with Kyurem regardless..

It really only serves as a counter Stadium. But with Virbank losing dominance, the only Stadiums you have to worry about are Beach in Blastoise (which you can make use of if you're waiting on Blizzard Burn and have no way to Switch), or Skyarrow Bridge.
145Platinum said:
how about this:

- 1 Keldeo-EX
- 1 Plasma Ball
+ 2 Frozen City

3-1 Bangle/Mirror

- 1 Blend WFML
+ 1 GRPD Blend

Had 1 Empty space so i brought back a plasma Ball. should I change it for another Frozen City

The changes seem fine but I would replace the extra plasma ball with a Skyla or a random receiver just like scizorlicious said, since a third frozen city isn't really needed and your only running 12 supporters so a couple extra may help.