Another cheap and successful deck is Weavile/Exeggcute. If you don't have any of the cards for it and have to buy all 60, it's around $70-$80. Here's my list:
4 Sneasel PLF
4 Weavile PLF
4 Exeggcute PLF
2-2 Electrode PLF
1 Mr. Mime PLF
1 Tirtouga PLB (also interchangeable with other Pokemon with the Prehistoric Call ability such as Archen or Lileep, I just like the artwork on this Tirtouga)
4 Juniper
3 Colress
4 Shauna
2 Skyla
1 Dowsing Machine ACE SPEC
4 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
1 Professor's Letter
1 Escape Rope
4 Dark Patch
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Super Rod
3 Silver Bangle or Muscle Band
8 Darkness
In my experience, it has proven itself to be really successful. For instance, I took it to a tournament yesterday and got 3rd in Top Cut against 2 Plasma decks, one Darkrai/Yveltal deck, 2 Mewtwo EX decks, and a Darkrai/Hydreigon. Of course, this isn't the current BDIF, but it is very competitive, works well, and is cheap.
Hope this helps, LoneWolf2113