Need help building a deck (available cards listed)


AKA General Gengar
Hey guys, I've been getting back into the TCG. I went to a local unlimited league with my Darkrai Lv. X deck (which I've posted about here already) and didn't win a single match. I played Darkrai/Tornadus, Zekeels, and even Luxchomp. My deck didn't stand a chance.

I decided that I might as well start over. I've already invested a good amount of money back into the game (at least 100 dollars or so) and this is all I got, unfortunately. I may or may not have other cards, so just ask. This deck will be unlimited, and I have a lot of Diamond and Pearl series cards. Thanks!

Note: I have one of each card unless noted otherwise.


Reshiram EX
Kyurem EX
1-2 Eelektrik line NV40
1-1 Cinccino line BW89
Zebstrika ND48 (I have at least 1 Blitzle, just not on hand)
Durant x2 NV83
Zekrom BW47
Reshiram BW26
Kyurem NV34
Cobalion NV84


Professor Juniper x2 DE98
Rocky Helmet x2 NV94
PlusPower x? BW96 (Unless there's been an errata to PlusPower, I definitely have 4)
Pokemon Communication x2 BW99
Skyarrow Bridge ND91
Exp. Share ND87
Xtransceiver NV96
Heavy Ball x2 ND88

I also have never copies of Potion, Switch, and Super Scoop Up, along with numerous other old ones.


Prism Energy x4 ND93
Double Colorless Energy x2 ND92

Once again, just ask if I have older cards that may help out. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Well, if you could get a couple more Durants, and maybe some Revive BW, and some Eviolite NV and you can make a decent Durant deck. The strategy is to keep Durants alive and deck your opponent out.
I've also been considering buying a booster box, but it all depends on how much money I have in about a week. My local card shop is selling Dark Explorers for 130 dollars. >_<
So, today, I went out and bought a Zekrom EX tin. In it, I pulled a reverse holo Reshiram and a Kyurem EX. If that makes a difference in what kind of deck I should attempt to make, then do tell.
If you get cards online, they're WAYYYYY cheaper. Not kidding. Get another Eelektrik and two 40 HP Tynamo. Then, get one more Zekrom (non EX) and two Thundurus and you have yourself a ZekEels deck!