Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach

Mr. Random

Gravitating away from you...
There's something that I don't know how to do on In the case I want to write an article, I want to know how to get a link to an individual card scan on the card scans section on Pokebeach. I've tried, and have seen links like those before on articles, but I don't have a clue as to how to do it. Can someone help me?
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

You misunderstood, I want the link to the image, not the image itself.
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

Nvm, figured it out. None of you guys said what I wanted you to say, but thanks for trying to help.
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

Firstly, d_master, you don't need [ url ] tags for links as long as you put www. at the start. <--- Example, all I did was type in www. google .com without the spaces.

Secondly, Mr. Random, assuming you're on Firefox: open the page for the set you want, find the card you want the scan of, right click the link that brings up the picture, then click copy link location. That will then put the direct link to the image on your clipboard. All you do once you do that is c/p the link itself into your post so it makes it a link, or you use tags to make it an image.

Edit: Of course I post RIGHT after you figure it out... *sigh*
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

Actually, I'm on internet explorer, and how I did it was pressing ctrl as I clicked the link to a scan to open up a new tab.
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

Another way on IE is right click > properties... That's my method.
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

It's actually:

[IMG] name.jpg[/IMG]
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

Mr. Random said:
You misunderstood, I want the link to the image, not the image itself.

Right click on the image and go to properties and past the link there in the post. I don't know the codes for hyperlinking though. If it is a like to a website then you put in www. The website here. whatever the ending is.:)
RE: Need help- how to display individual scans on pokebeach.

Why are we still posting here? I mean, the problem's solved. 0.o

Mods please lock.