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Expanded Need help streamlining my deck....


Aspiring Trainer
I am running a Nido deck with Miltank. It wins, but its slow. Please help.

4 Miltank FF
3 Nido boy SS
3 Nidorino SS
2 Nidoking SS
3 Nidogirl PF
3 Nidorino PF
2 Nidoqueen PC 68 & 69
2 Unown AO

4 Evosoda
1 Crushing Hammer
2 Prof Letter
1 N
1 Prof Sycamore
3 Tierno
1 Bridgette
2 Wally
2 Skyla
2 Dim Valley
3 Fighting Fury Belt
2 Float Stone

2 Dub Colorless
11 Psychic Energy

My trainers are all over the place. This I know. Just not sure what to fix.
Thank you in advance.
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I am running a Nido deck with Miltank. It wins, but its slow. Please help.

4 Miltank FF
3 Nido boy SS
3 Nidorino SS
2 Nidoking SS
3 Nidogirl PF
3 Nidorino PF
2 Nidoqueen PC 68 & 69
2 Unown AO

4 Evosoda
1 Crushing Hammer
2 Prof Letter
1 N
1 Prof Sycamore
3 Tierno
1 Bridgette
2 Wally
2 Skyla
2 Dim Valley
3 Fighting Fury Belt
2 Float Stone

2 Dub Colorless
11 Psychic Energy

My trainers are all over the place. This I know. Just not sure what to fix.
Thank you in advance.

If you want to speed it up you should be running 3-4 of Sycamore and 2-3 of N, also I think you can drop a FFB because it only gives health to basics which is not something this deck relies on. Add in a Muscle Band and keep 2 FFB for your Basics. Another worthy Contender for your deck is Lugia FCO, maybe two of those and then take out a Miltank or two? Take out the Tiernos for two Lysandre and a Fighting Stadium FUF. Computer Search is an ACE SPEC, so make room for it in your deck, you can only run one so it should be easy. All in all, move cards around and take my suggestions into consideration but the 3-4 Sycamore and 2-3 N is a must.
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You also may want to squeeze in a 2-2 line of Octillery as it has perfect synergy with Nidoking's attack, and provides extra draw, which definitely helps.
Edit: I also suggest ripping out the Miltanks and just playing straight Nido. Might be slower but packs bigger punch, and allows room for Octillery.
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Okay, I've had a little tinker here and played around with it on PTCGO for a while. It's gone toe to toe with a few Meta decks and even won a few.

First things first, fair warning that the Nidoking/Queen line are super clunky, and the deck is going to be slow no matter how you build it. That's just the way it is with three-stage lines, and having two three-stage lines in the same deck is asking for trouble. A of all) It's tricky and takes time to get them evolved, and B) They take up an inordinate amount of space. Your average deck runs somewhere between 12 and 18 Pokémon unless it's something like Vespiquen or Rainbow Road that has a specific requirement for more than that. You have 22, and that's not even with any Shaymin or Octillery. One of the main reasons you never see decks with two three-stagers is because you need the deck space for trainer cards to make it run smoothly. But with these two you have to if you want one to make use of the other. So today we'll try to build a deck that can do that. (Spoiler: It kind of doesn't work anyway)

There is no real need for Miltank in this deck. He gets a boost from the three-stagers indeed, but the synergy only works one way. Miltank works both ways with someone like Empoleon - who boosts his attack in return, or Vileplume to slow the deck down to give it space, or Beautifly who can protect it from EXs. Also note all three of these can be brought out on turn one, either through Forest of the Giant Plants or Archie's Ace. And besides, the Nido Royals each get a boost from each other already. So instead of that, let's put the focus on getting the Queen up as quickly as possible and using her one-energy Poison Jab attack - with a single energy, and a single King on the bench, this will OHKO M-Mewtwo & M-Kazam thanks to weakness, and also hit 110 without the Weakness factor, which is a nice number for slaying Shaymin.

[P] Poison Jab: 30 damage. Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Poisoned.

Thanks to the Ancient Trait, becomes 30+30+10 unboosted. With a King that's 50+50+10, with two Kings we're hitting 150. With Giovanni it's +40 on any of those and finally we're killing EXs. Far better than the PRC-68 version.

Meanwhile the King sits on the bench to boost this, and slowly builds the energy for his Power Lariat attack. Or another Queen can build to her secondary attack, which can do some serious damage.

I'm also unsure of the purpose of Unown here? Just for draw? I am cutting them in the name of better draw cards. Nearly every deck runs Shaymin or Octillery. In this case, Octillery works with King's Power Lariat, plus level balls of which you'll have many. The start is less explosive but it'll give constant draw later.

2-2 Octillery
3-2-3 Nidoking
3-2-3 Nidoqueen (PRC-69 only)

There is no point having a pyramid line of 3-3-2. However, you can afford to run strange looking lines of 3-2-3 thanks to a card called Rare Candy which lets you skip from Basic straight to Stage 2 so long as you have both in hand. This is the one benefit of having two three-stage lines in one deck - the same Rare Candy cards can be used on both lines so you up your chances of hitting them at the right time. I am gonna max them out here for that reason. If you wanted to make space for something else later (like the upcoming Nidoking Break), either lowering this count, or changing one or both these lines to 3-1-3 would be my first cut.

I'm also going to add two Skyla, mostly to grab a Candy or Ball at the right moment, but also other cards like stadia or tools. As well as that, I'll add a Team Mates - as it grabs any two cards, assuming a Pokémon of yours got knocked out. Since you are running lots of low HP hard-to-build Pokémon, this could happen quite often.

4 Rare Candy
2 Skyla
1 Team Mates

The candy nullifies the usefulness of Evosoda. In general this is not a great card anyway, since a good Pokéball can grab you everything you need including the basic forms. You nearly never see Evosoda in decks for this reason and tbh, it's a bit of a noob trap - a card that seems good but really isn't. Most decks run 4 Ultra Balls (or Dive Balls for Water decks), plus one or two more of a different type depending on situation. Since this is a weird two three-stage deck, I'm going to put in more than you'd usually go for. Three Level balls, which can grab everything (including both Octillery parts) bar the King & Queen, along with four Ultra Balls. The Ultra Balls have an additional benefit of clearing out your hand when required - so that Octillery can actually operate.

3 Level Balls
4 Ultra Balls

Back to Supporters. Tierno is a terrible card :| There is zero point to running it over Sycamore/N in this deck. There are very few decks where that isn't true. Generally you want about five to seven draw support cards and most people go for 4 Sycamore/2 N or that kind of count. Being that this deck has a lot of moving parts and not much use for things in the discard, I'm going to flip that count around a bit. You can also expect to be attempting to win from behind a lot with a slow deck, so the late game Ns after you've finally built up your bench will help.

2 Sycamore
3 N
1 Giovanni

I'm adding a Giovanni as a draw card here too which isn't often seen. This deck has a neat trick though that can utilise it. Nidoqueen's trait that allows for a double attack in one turn, can benefit from this card twice even though you'd only play it once :eek: Plus it of course doubles as draw.

Bridget is good in this deck since you're looking to fill your bench early with lots of non-EX. However, a single Bridget is not much use. And the three-four you want to hit it early take up too much room. Nidoboy's first attack will do that job for you, along with the draw support & balls. Wally really has no place here. I will however, add one Lysandre as a standard for a lot of decks. A lot run two or even three but a one-of is a bare minimum. Can slow your opponent just by jamming the active, or bring up something you actually want to kill later etc. Those Shaymins are easy prizes that you won't be able to take without one.

1 Lysandre

As for Stadiums, unfortunately D Valley has rotated out of Standard format, so you can't play it unless this is an Expanded deck - and that is a whole other decklist. There aren't really any Stadiums that would directly benefit you either. You could maybe look at something more offensive, like Parallel City or Faded Town. Both would be good offense against a lot of Meta Decks right now. But being that you're already lacking deck space with the Stage 2s, instead I'm gonna opt for no stadium at all. Instead we'll use a single Delinquent in an effort to hamper the opponent, remove their advantage and force discard a few cards.

1 Delinquent

Also four copies of Vs. Seeker. This is non-negotiable unless you're running an item-lock deck. Now all those one-ofs can become five-ofs as required. Your deck will run less smoothly without for certain. Hex Maniac is a 61st card here that could do a whole lot of good, but you just haven't the space. Maybe instead of a Candy.

An additional consistency card is Trainer's Mail. You are going to need to get Candies at the right time, or supporters, or Vs Seekers. These will help immensely. they are a little more negotiable than the Seekers but not by much.

Gonna keep the two Float Stone, since both Nidos have fat retreat costs, plus Octillery is a target for Lysandres to get pulled into active and stuck there.

4 Vs. Seeker
4 Trainers Mail
2 Float Stone

As for the stuff cut, Hammers are good, but a luxury you don't have space for. The Belts are no longer necessary with no Basics that attack, you don't really have room for tools any way, if I was to add something I'd be looking at Exp Share for a benched male.

Lastly Energy counts. You don't need DCE anymore, there is no point without Miltank, plus it's a target. Still, your energy count is way too high - deck space is precious and it'll clog your hand. I'm going with seven only, although eight or nine would be safer, but again, deck space and two three-stagers and yadda yadda. Hopefully the game plan is a single on a Queen, another single on a Queen, and three on a King later in the game. And two for luck. :D I'll keep one Letter too, since Skyla/Team Mates can find it for you.

7 Purple Energy
1 Prof Letter

A few cards I would love to add but just ain't got the space - Switch, Escape Rope, Olympia, Super Rod, Hex Maniac..

Hope this all helps. It's not going to topple the Meta any time soon, but it's pretty fun to watch people gasp as the damage stacks. A Mewtwo killer at least, and that's something.

Here's my build of it, altogether as a list so you can import if you want to try it:

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 20

* 3 Nidoran♂ STS 43
* 2 Nidorino STS 44
* 3 Nidoking STS 45
* 3 Nidoran♀ PRC 66
* 2 Nidorina PRC 67
* 3 Nidoqueen PRC 69
* 2 Remoraid BKT 31
* 2 Octillery BKT 33

##Trainer Cards - 33

* 2 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 1 Giovanni's Scheme BKT 162
* 4 Ultra Ball DEX 102
* 2 Skyla BKP 122
* 1 Professor's Letter BKT 146
* 3 N NVI 92
* 2 Float Stone PLF 99
* 1 Teammates PRC 160
* 3 Level Ball AOR 76
* 1 Delinquent BKP 98
* 1 Lysandre FLF 104
* 4 Rare Candy PRC 135
* 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
* 4 Trainers' Mail AOR 100

##Energy - 7

* 7 Psychic Energy XYEnergy 8

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

and in picture format for easier reading:

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Hah, after writing all that, I see you are looking for Expanded. Lol at me. I don't think this would work in Expanded, although at least you would have beneficial stadia in D Valley or Virbank Gym. But again, you wouldn't have the room. Plus Expanded is so much faster I don't think you'd stand a chance. Better off in Standard.