Need help with the Nintendo Wii...


The Rising Star
I got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas (After getting games for it for Christmas last year, and waiting for it for three years, blah blah...).

Anyways, after I started playing for a while, something VERY annoying came up. 99% of the time, shutting of a Wii-mote will instantly turn off the Wii (VERY annoying when there's 3 of us to constantly switch between). We've tried going to the basement, pointing it away, blocking all of the wireless stuff from getting through, EVERYTHING!

So, does anyone know how to shut it off without turning off the system?
I'm pretty sure that button is for turning off the wii.
As to how to turn it off.. well, why do you need to?

..Well, you could just take the batteries out or something. =P

*Awaits person with better advice...
Not sure on this one. Normally that Power button turns it on, and then I have to go to the Wii button to turn it off. :X

dmaster out.
If you dont need to use one just put it away. It will disapere after 5 minutes. And the button on the Wii-mote is for shuting off the Wii.

^ Can someone confirm this? I left my brother's one on for 10 minutes once, it didn't shut off...

Piplup 321 said:
I'm pretty sure that button is for turning off the wii.

Nope, my brother fluked turning off the remote once while the Wii was loading something. The Wii-motes turn off automatically when the Wii shuts off, so by process of elimination, it's for the Wii-mote...

Also: I need to because of the batteries being unnecessarily drained. It doesn't help that some games only work with whoever's Wii-mote is set as Player 1... We also don't want to share since some of us break stuff easily...
Hit the home button so that the options Wii menu and Restart come up and there will be a wii-mote. Press that and go to Re-sinc. Connect only the ones you want to be on.
If you are talking about the button at the top-left corner of the Wii, that button is for switching off the Wii. When I want to switch off a Wii-mote, I just take the batteries out.
to turn it off (it is very annoying) you have to just put it away and after no one has pushed any buttons on it for a whole (couple minutes) it shuts off.
Make sure to tell your family that too, otherwise they push the power button (sister....) and the game turns off with all the data!!!!!
you just don't use it and soon it turns off. I have a nikko charger that i use and it automatically turns of when you put it in the charger. You can find them for $10 at Game Stop for 2 rechargable batteries and the charger.