I agree. 4 Feral ex would be good. Maybe something like this.
Pokemon (16)
4- Jirachi DX
4- Totodile HL
3- Croconaw UF
4- Feral EX
1- Feral UF
Energies (15)
10- Water
3- Boost
2 Cyclone
Trainers (29)
4- Elm's Training
4- Rare Candy
4- Battle Frontier
2- Copycat
4- Steven's advice
2- Admin
4- Swoop Teleporter
3- Pokemon Reversal
2- Pow! Hand extension
I kept 1 UF Feral to help against spinning tail ttar, which are annoying. If you dont run into them very often, then drop it.
The strategy with this version is to get up a feral ex, and use tsunami as much as possible. As well as using reversal/cyclone to limit the amount of kos you get with it. Then, when you send out your second Feral ex, you POW! and ko their most important pokemon, and win from there. Well, that's the plan.
I see this thing losing to ZRE. Perhaps a version with Arti ex/Pidgeot/Warp energy/switch would work better. I'm not too sure at the moment.