DPPt/HGSS need shinies

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3rd elite 4 of the poke-power league
i need shinies!!!!!!!i have every pokemon.some are hacked,but not many.i can trade until 12:00 mountain time.thnx
Oh I'd like to trade a shiny mew
for a lvl 75^ roserade w/ sunny day tho
All right...

No one, but no one, needs ten threads here. One is enough. Most of your threads were off-topic anyway - if you have a question about Diamond or Pearl, it should go in the Diamond and Pearl subforum. NOT in here.

Second, this isn't even a proper player thread, so I'm going to lock this. Read the rules and make ONE thread. If you have something new to offer, edit the first post and bump your thread up.

DO NOT make another one. If you do, you will be warned.
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