DPPt/HGSS Need the Movie Arceus and PCP

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Master of Pokemon Silver
Ok, well, I lost track of my original thread. so if a mod sees this, please just lock/delete the old one.

Anyways, here's what I can trade:

UT Navel Rock Lugia (Gameshark'd for a reencounter, but I did actually get the event)
UT Navel Rock Ho-Oh (Same as Lugia)
UT Birth Island Deoxys (See above)
UT Mystery Island Mew (See above)

All are from Emerald. Options are:

2 for each, all 4 for both, or just 1 for the PCP and 3 for the Arceus (Seriously, it's a Pichu).

Just tell me your FC in a PM-I'll send you mine afterwards.
lovebunny713 said:
I have PCP and I'm interested in your mystery island mew. can you clone?

Clone.....how? And yes, I'l trade you Mew for it. PM your FC.

Jahllar said:
I have the movie Arceus for you :3 I will take whatever lovebunny isn't getting.

Well, let me see if the trade with lovebunny goes through first. BUT HOLD ONTO THAT ARCEUS FOR MEH.
lovebunny713 said:
oh, Jahllar can have the mew. I think the arceus is more valuable than the pichu XD

Oh no, trust me, it'd be worth it. And, from what I can tell, I think Jallahar would be fine with Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Deoxys. I really don't have anything else to trade. Of course, I could just get another Mew with the reencounter code. So really, you might as well take the Mew.
Since you've got a GBA AR...could you coughhackcough me a Shiny Entai?
I'll trade it for a Shokotan's Pichu (PCP).
Goldash said:
Oh no, trust me, it'd be worth it. And, from what I can tell, I think Jallahar would be fine with Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Deoxys. I really don't have anything else to trade. Of course, I could just get another Mew with the reencounter code. So really, you might as well take the Mew.
I'm not sure yet :/
I would have to get someone to clone it. and light venusaur offered and I know she can clone :)
so if you traded her I think it would be easier on both of us XD
Goldash said:
Oh no, trust me, it'd be worth it. And, from what I can tell, I think Jallahar would be fine with Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Deoxys. I really don't have anything else to trade. Of course, I could just get another Mew with the reencounter code. So really, you might as well take the Mew.

I haven't been a member for a full week, and already somebody knows me :)
Yes I would love to have the stuff mentioned above, the only mew I would want would have to be Japanese and UT :p
Jahllar said:
I haven't been a member for a full week, and already somebody knows me :)
Yes I would love to have the stuff mentioned above, the only mew I would want would have to be Japanese and UT :p

Oh, well then......crud. I don't have a Japanese Mew I'd be willing to trade. I think. Let me check.

Light Venusaur said:
Since you've got a GBA AR...could you coughhackcough me a Shiny Entai?
I'll trade it for a Shokotan's Pichu (PCP).

Maybe-I could try using the Shiny Encounter code and the Wild Pokemon Modifier-assuming it would let me. Do you want a legit one or do you not care? Because if you don't care, I'll just catch a shiny Entei in Diamond with my AR.

Jahllar said:
I haven't been a member for a full week, and already somebody knows me :)
Yes I would love to have the stuff mentioned above, the only mew I would want would have to be Japanese and UT :p

Wait, never mind that last comment-I forgot that I wasn't trading you the Mew. DURR HURR HURR SILLY MEH.
Light Venusaur said:
Since you've got a GBA AR...could you coughhackcough me a Shiny Entai?
I'll trade it for a Shokotan's Pichu (PCP).
Goldash said:
Maybe-I could try using the Shiny Encounter code and the Wild Pokemon Modifier-assuming it would let me. Do you want a legit one or do you not care? Because if you don't care, I'll just catch a shiny Entei in Diamond with my AR.
I only want a Kanto (FireRed or LeafGreen) Shiny Entai...any nature/IV's.
As I got scammed last week out of a legit (which turned out to be a hack) one..
Light Venusaur said:
Goldash said:
Maybe-I could try using the Shiny Encounter code and the Wild Pokemon Modifier-assuming it would let me. Do you want a legit one or do you not care? Because if you don't care, I'll just catch a shiny Entei in Diamond with my AR.
I only want a Kanto (FireRed or LeafGreen) Shiny Entai...any nature/IV's.
As I got scammed last week out of a legit (which turned out to be a hack) one..

Well......I could always Pokesav one to be Shiny, from FR/LG. Of course, you'll need to tell me what it's stats should be, since whenever I hack one, I walways make them uberdeedooper powerful. At least it would SEEM to be legit. Also, what level is it in FR/LG? 50?
Goldash said:
I only want a Kanto (FireRed or LeafGreen) Shiny Entai...any nature/IV's.
As I got scammed last week out of a legit (which turned out to be a hack) one..

Well...I could always Pokesav one to be Shiny, from FR/LG. Of course, you'll need to tell me what it's stats should be, since whenever I hack one, I walways make them uberdeedooper powerful. At least it would SEEM to be legit. Also, what level is it in FR/LG? 50?
Yeah, he's @ level 50.
Plz, no PokeSav...just use the FR/LG Encounter codes.
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