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    Thank you!

Need these cards.Uxie X.Has BTS And Gyrados Sf Holos.


Aspiring Trainer
1) no stupid offers
3) lower refs send first(neg refs send first as well0
4)I live in the us and send in the us only(continental 48 states only)
5) have fun
6)no world championship cards.
7) Rule 2 got lost

1 Uxie Lv X

LV X's
2 dialga g

Charizard 100/97 Dragon rough condition.Try to post to photobucket.Need help on how to do it though.

Pokemon *
Torchic.Once again need help on how to upload photo to photobucket.

picture holos
1 ampharos platinum
1 venemoth triumphant

Rev rares
2 porygon 2 promo

3 gryados sf picture holo
1 regice la
2 spiritomb Arceus LP

Notable pokemon
2 Dialga G 1 LP 1 picture holo
4 sabelye sf 1 rev
1 combee sf rev

1 x Cyrus's conspriacy
3 pokemon rescue
4 pokemon reversal
3 junk arm

2 rescue
2 warp
2 holo fire
2 of every holo enrgy player rewards except for metal and grass.
HI, can you look at my list for your Torchic*. Is it Mint/ Near Mint???
hello i am very interested in your shiny torchic *....please check my thread to see if anything interests you
Hello please CML for:

-2 porygon 2 promo
-1 gryados sf picture holo
-4 spiritomb Arceus LP
-4 sabelye sf 1 rev
-2 BTS

PM me if you see anything thanks!

uxie la would prefer to trade a league promo


regice la

lmk if thats ok pm me if you like to finalize
Sorry need to edit.Already traded for an uxie on another site.Sorry.Do you have an Uxie X for ttrade.
yeah..but you don't have enough i need..are you sure you don't want Another uxie..you need 2 or sometimes 3 uxie la and 1 x for it to be good
I am getting an Uxie X in the mail, do you have any of my High wants unlisted?
I may be able to get get toploaders if my parents would let me.I have torchic star rough condition don't know if you need this.