• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Needs a new name


Caterpie Rocks!!
I am a junior.
will you help me
1 giratina lvX
3 giratina #27 platnum
1 gengar lvX
2 gengar prime
1 gengar [curse]
3 haunter triumphint
4 gastly triumphint
both half of darkrai & cresselia legen
2 uxie LA
2 pokemon resue
3 pont
3 emcee's chatter
4 bebe's shearch
3 twins
2 pokemon collecter
2 bench shield
4 trt
2 seeker
1 luxury ball
2 expert belt
2 bts
2 dce
2 warp energy
7 {P}
RE: disruption with the lostzone

It doesn't seem like there is a main attacker here. Needs a tighter focus.
You should play only Giratina or only Gengar.I suggest you run a 4-3-4 line of Gengar Prime. You can play Gastly from SF(Triumphant isn't really good), Haunter from SF, and 2 Gengar Prime, 1 Curse Gengar, and one Gengar Lv.X. now that you have the main attacker, you need some back-up attackers. Try a Machamp GL or Machamp Prime, to counter gengar's weakness. Umbreon UD also helps to stall. Lastly, you need some type of healing device, like Blissey PL or Nidoqueen RR. Energy looks good, except add a Rescue Energy. Now for the Trainers.
-3 Emcee's Chatter
-2 Bench Shield
-4 Team Rocket's Trickery
-2 Twins
+2 Palmer's Contribution
+1 Seeker
+4 Pokemon Communication
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Premier Ball(looks for gengar LV.X)
+1 Expert Belt
Hope I helped.
RE: disruption with the lostzone

If I played Giratina, DC Legend would be the best choice. But it really isn't good. There is no staple strategy to it. And Dialga G X kills it because Invisible tentacles is all it is worth for. But here is a line up of a Genchamp Deck:

4-3-2/1/1 Gengar Prime/Gengar Curse/Gengar LV.X
3-2-2/1 Machamp SF/ Machamp Prime
2-2 Blissey PL
2 Uxie LA
Total Pokemon:25

3 Rare Candy
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
1 Premier Ball
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Seeker
2 Expert Belt
Total T/S/S:25

6 Psychic Energy
2 Fighting Energy
Total Energy:10

Needs a few changes, but it should work. Hope I helped.
RE: disruption with the lostzone

Maybe another BTS. I'd take out an Emcee's or TRT.