I just noticed some of the symbol sizes look off. On Regirock, the Fighting and Colorless attack symbols look different sizes. Then, the Fighting Resistance symbol on Rocket's Gengar is absolutely smaller than the Fighting Weakness symbol on Registeel/Regirock.
What blanks/symbolsheet are you using?
I'll resize it for you at the same percent reduction I reduced the holosheet. Then you can just do a simple copy and paste.I am using your symbolsheet, actually. The problem is that I need to resize for my blanks (I forget where they came from) so I try to line it up with real cards but sometimes it's not exact. One thing I can try to do in the future I just realized is to download an image of a real card and put it at 30% transparency on the fake card so I can line up the symbols.
Hey Reggie -- here's the symbolsheet. Thankfully, I designed the width to equal my blanks, so if I need to resize it, all I have to do is match the width of the blank!