New Arceus artwork.


Disappear to a place beyond seeing...
I've just finished my new Arceus artwork, and I'd like you all to see. :D

I stayed consistent with the sprite, including the color, as I figure the real Arceus artwork was the blueprint for the sprite (much like Shaymin's artwork is similar to its second sprite).

I'll be doing a watercolor version of this, as Sugimori still seems to be using watercolor for his artwork, and not a tablet. :)

I like it. It is very detailed. It looks very professional. I really like it. You should definitely keep doing this.
Mercy said:
I like it. It is very detailed. It looks very professional. I really like it. You should definitely keep doing this.

Thanks! :)
I have other Arceus pieces as well, and have been working on artwork of the other Legendaries. I'll keep on working, for sure. :D
I looked at some of your other artwork. You have a lot of potential. I think they look like real Pokemon artist's work.:)
This looks really good. My only criticism is that the legs are a little bulky. Arceus is majestic and divine, so the flowing look isn't there 100 percent. Keep up the great work, though. This is one of the best originals I've seen yet.
Mercy said:
I looked at some of your other artwork. You have a lot of potential. I think they look like real Pokemon artist's work.:)

Thanks. :)

To Kevin Garrett: I agree; the legs came out way too wide. xD Thank you. :D

To pikachu1246: :) Thanks!

To INFERNAPE: Thanks to you, too! :D
Hmm... Have you got PBR? If you could get an Arceus onto it, you'd have a lot more detail than the DP sprite.
I think, if you keep at it, pretty soon you will be as good as some of the Nintendo artists. Maybe eventually you could work for Nintendo. :)
Wow, that's the best pic of Arceus I've seen so far! The legs are a little...big, but it's great. :D
OMG he didn't make that all up by himself. It's all over google. Maybe he drew it, but, he copied it from another Arceus picture.
You're all fooling yourselves.