New chandelure spread


This is the all powerful genosect.
This new chandelure from "Red Collection" looks very interesting. Imo it is a better kingdra prime if it gets set up. Here are the translations.

Chandelure - Psychic - HP130
Stage 2 - Evolves from Lampent

Ability: Shadow Curse
Once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, you may put 3 damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon in any way you like.

[P][P][C] Mysterious Light: 50 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Burned and Confused.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

I was thinking of combining this with metagross ul so everything with a pshycic energy on it will have gree retreat. Also metagross is a pretty good attacker anyway.
i was thinking the samething actually. metagross seems to pair well with this. with thehelp of switches and ssu's you could spread a fair bit of dmg before you even attack
But you almost don't even need switch due to the fact that metagross's ability gives any poke with a phsycic energy on ic has free retreat.
yes but you can only retreat once. switch/ssu allows you to swarm chandelure and use the ability a few times before you attack. add junk arm or porygonz for even more uses
that is very true the only prob with this deck is what should the starter be becuz this deck might be a little slow

Here might be a rough draft of a list
4-3-4 chandelure
2-2-2 metagross
4 stantler/cleffa/relicanth tr

3 switch
3 ssu
2 junk arm
3 pokemon collector
2 energy retrieval
3 communication
2 enrgy exchange
2 twins
3 proffessor juniper
3 rare candy
2 oaks new theory/judge

8 phsycic
4 dce

Any comments on the list?
You only get to move 3 damage counters; i.e you must have 3 damage counters on chandelure already. That is, if we get the correct translation anyday.
The translation says you get to put three damage counters on your opponants pokemon any way you like.

This deck just got twice as good. Jirachi and Shaymin (both from Unleashed) are also a good idea.
If i where makeing chandelure and metagross deck i would also add in energy switch's. I had a dusknoir and metagross deck and that deck worked out real well with the energy switches in there.
i dont know that i would play this with dcl. why use the ability to place dmg counters where ever i want only to use an attack to move said dmg counters where ever i want?
I see your point, but it can work after you've attacked several times since you can't spread that damage around. I just love DCL in spread decks....
What's your main attacker? I would think Metagross would be (for Double Leg Hammer), so I would change that to a 3-2-3 or 4-3-4 line and make the Chandelure only 2-1-2 (since you're really only going to need one of those out at a time). That way, you're dishing out 110 damage a turn to the bench. Of course, add DCL so you can get damage on the main attacker if need be, and also Pokémon Reversal can also help a whole ton (get a heavy bench-sitter out, then just snipe to your heart's content). I would think 4 Switch and 4 SSU would also do this deck a lot better than just 3. You may also want to consider lowering the amount of DCE to 3, not sure 4 is necessary. For this deck, Double Leg Hammer could be a lot better than Pulse Blast.
Mismagius UL may not be a bad idea in this deck either. Chandelure spread across the board and then just attack to do another 10 spread to each. And make sure to add a 1-1 or 2-2 tech of Solrock and Lunatone to prevent healing. Do you think Reuniculus is a threat to this?
Reuniclus can be countered by DCL and it's only a threat when paired with Serperior. Luckily, Serperior/Reuniclus is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow next format.
.....use it with mandibuzz DUH why bother setting up 2 stage 2's why not make life a little easier and make it a stage one and a stage 2 ... also mandibuzz does 50 that is 10 more than metagross ul so the madibuzz can ko a 80hp poke and metagross can ko only a 70hp .yes meta can hit two but like i saw in a earlier post sierpier (idk how to spell it but the grass snake thing) will own you either or even with the 70 pair the surpier with the rauniclus ....ITS OVER and you will not have speed on them you will move at same pace cause there setting up 2 stage 2s also so mandibuzz would be better cause if you set up 2 Chandelure you put 60 on ruincilus and then 50 you can k.o (same with meta but quicker) ... oh oh plus the mandibuzz takes 1 dark ....and has a good back up attack meta takes 2 at minimum (dce plus a plain energy) imo mandibuzz is WAYYYYY better
i do like this idea but it is wayyyyy to slow....
^Metagross does 80 total with its second attack, and 60 with its first. None of its attacks do 40, and the purpose is to spread.

This isn't much slower than Mandibuzz. Actually, I think it could even be as fast, since you don't have to take up as much space in cards for getting Chandelure back to the bench. More consistency when it has free retreat.

With Mandibuzz, there's no way you'll be able to use Chandelure's Ability more than once per turn. MAYBE in some cases, but you'd have to get very lucky and be able to retreat 'Buzz, bring up 'Lure, Switch to another 'Lure, then finally Switch to 'Buzz again (as 'Buzz will be active at the start of each turn, assuming it hasn't been KO'd).

Hardly anyone plays Serperior. Some, but not many. And yes, Reuniclus kills Metagross/Chandelure, but it kills Mandibuzz/Chandelure as well. No point in arguing about either of those; that'll be a tough (or impossible) matchup either way.
Unless Metagross is your attacker, Dodrio is much faster and more efficient for giving free retreat.
^I think the idea is to use one of Metagross' attacks every turn. Honestly, they're a lot better than Chandelure's...
I have a different attacker in mind (with only 2 retreat) teehee but it's mah secret.