New Decks In B&W-On Format

Emopanda133 said:
I think rogue decks are going to control the meta during the B&W-On format. I'm starting to think that there won't be any BDIF's after rotation, simply because anything becomes viable now.

There will always be decks that stand out as better than others. There is almost no way that there couldn't be. Even if it could happen, it's not next format. Their are three clear BDIFs, Garchomp/Altaria, Darkrai/Hydreigon, and Mewtwo/Terrakion EX/techs.

Emopanda133 said:
I'm actually curious to see how Gartaria does in the meta. Zekrom EX and Rayquaza EX should be able to beat it with a decent set up, and if one Altaria gets KO'd now you can't OHKO Zekrom, but he can OHKO you.

Also, what? First of all, Zekrom doesn't OHKO Garchomp. Second of all, you're assuming that the Garchomp player has no possible way to get more Altaria out or doesn't already have more Altaria out in the first place.
Ok, Accelock is not going to work, stop thinking it will, you don't have the draw power for it. Without Sunflora, you can't get the Accelgor streaming like you used too.

Six corners will be better since the meta slows down a lot, and Terrakion EX helps with energy. But I was thinking more like Shedinja/Golurk or Drifblim/Hammers
Wait, hold on one second. Conkeldurr??? Garchomp can Catcher KO Timburrs, taking fast and easy prizes. Garchomp two shots Conkeldurr, maybe with a bunch of energy it 3 shots it. But then you have no set up or energy or anything to attack with. Terrakion EX doesn't even two shot Garchomp, while it's getting two shotted back.

You also don't set up until turn 3 at minimum, but by then you've probably been KOed.
Emopanda133 said:
And TBH Terrakion EX/Conkeldurr will beat Gartaria by deck out most of the time.

Conkledurr is such a terrible card in this format because Mewtwo can OHKO it incredibly easily.
Let's look at the draw power for Accelock:

Pokemon Communication

Ball Engine:
Ultra Ball
Level Ball

There's no way you can get Gothitelle out and Accelgor and Mew EX ready every turn. and After the fith or sixth Deck and Cover, you don't have the search power anymore, and Gothitelle will probably be KO'd quickly anyway.
It's actually not that bad. Conkeldurr can survive for a while, and if you can stay away from Mewtwo EX you can do pretty good. That being said, no I don't see it being great, but if you manage to get it setup, you can probably drop the oponents deck quickly. But it's just a theory deck. I don't plan on using it.
Emopanda133 said:
Let's look at the draw power for Accelock:

Pokemon Communication

Ball Engine:
Ultra Ball
Level Ball

There's no way you can get Gothitelle out and Accelgor and Mew EX ready every turn. and After the fith or sixth Deck and Cover, you don't have the search power anymore, and Gothitelle will probably be KO'd quickly anyway.

I don't think you have ever played against Accelgor if this is what you really think. All you need is a Mew and a DCE every turn, and with a Supporter, use of trainers, and Musharna, you can easily get it. Gothitelle still has the magic 130, and it can also use Max Potion to stay alive even longer. Besides, it only gets attacked when Accelgor takes a prize.
You can also put in so many techs to improve its power after it gets set up: Gardevoir, Venusaur, Darkrai, the list goes on and on.
Accelgor will absolutely never be Tier 1. It's impossible for it to happen. As soon as it's even remotely popular people will start playing a 1-1 Espeon as an easy counter to your entire deck. It's like how Heatmor is with Durant- very few people actually play it but the threat of it discourages people.
Gartaria is a great deck, but Vulpix still makes a great point "But Japan". When DE hit Japan, Darkrai/Mewtwo was a great deck, when we got DE, it was Darkrai/Tornadus. While yes Japan has shown us two great decks, we can't call them the BDIF's until they hit America and prove themselves.
Emopanda133 said:
Gartaria is a great deck, but Vulpix still makes a great point "But Japan". When DE hit Japan, Darkrai/Mewtwo was a great deck, when we got DE, it was Darkrai/Tornadus. While yes Japan has shown us two great decks, we can't call them the BDIF's until they hit America and prove themselves.

Most good Darkrai/Tornadus run Mewtwo.
I have played Accelock, and even with Vileplume and Sunkern, I still couldn't get the lock every turn, because you need three Acceglor to get the lock everyturn, and Vileplume/Sunkern/Accelgor I garuntee is faster than Accelgor/Gothitelle.

alexmf2 said:
Most good Darkrai/Tornadus run Mewtwo.

I've never seen Mewtwo in Darkrai/Tornadus. Not on Deck Garage lists, not in tournaments.
Wait, explain to me why you need 3 Accelgor every turn to get the lock? And how a deck that can't use trainers and needs a stage 1 is faster than a deck that can use trainers and needs a basic?
Because to have good draw power, you need a stage 1 or two. To get a lock every turn, you have to retreat Gothitelle, using a DCE or Darkrai EX, which, getting Darkrai take MORE of your search power away. Explain TO ME how this deck can work with just Gothitelle, Mew EX and Acelgor.:p
So you have another stage 1 to help get more cards. That's helpful, not harmful. Retreating Gothitelle takes an attachment and a Darkrai, and if you really think it takes away from search power to get a single basic, I don't think that you've tested this at all.
So a Stage 2 with two stage twos, one of which let's you search for the main attacker, is slower than a stage two with two stage twos and two basics that doesn't have twins, or PONT?
Yes. Even though you listed all of the worst things of one deck and the best things of the other, it doesn't mean those are the only things.

Besides, I'm not saying BW- On Accelgor is better than HGSS- On Accelgor, I'm saying it's viable.