BW/BW2 New Dual Typing - For Black & White

I wish people would stop promoting Tsutarja Grass/Dark & Grass/Flying nonsense. A Flying Dual type would be particularly pointless, picking up more ice vulnerability and losing electric resistances. And with Close Combat/Focus Blast around, Grass/Dark doesn't make feel any safer. But enough of that. Give me a sturdy Bug/Rock w/Levitate and Dragon/Dark Legend.
Migimaru should be water/fighting, tsataaja should be grass/flying, and Pokabu should be fire/dark. Those are my prediction, and there not new. I just really think that's what they are.

As for new combos, a ghost/fire would be awesome. Then will-o-the-wisp would make sense.
Dragonlord251 said:
Fire/ rock type

I definitely want to see a Psychic/Dark type. Or Fire/Water. Or just two types that are pretty much opposites that combine.
Fire/Water = Fire Breathing Seahorse
Dark/Poison = Ninja
Electric = Lightning Rod (with the same ability as its name ^_^)

For starter types, I want
Hellion said:
I wish people would stop promoting Tsutarja Grass/Dark & Grass/Flying nonsense. A Flying Dual type would be particularly pointless, picking up more ice vulnerability and losing electric resistances. And with Close Combat/Focus Blast around, Grass/Dark doesn't make feel any safer. But enough of that. Give me a sturdy Bug/Rock w/Levitate and Dragon/Dark Legend.
Pokemon doesn't always have to make sense. Its not ALWAYS about competitive gaming. And if you really care about competitive gaming, you would learn to work around it.
I'd like to see grass/dragon. Not with tsutajja though.

Also starter predictions:
Tsutajja - Ivy snake. Ivy for poison ivy. Grass/Poison.
Mijumaru - Water otter (I think). Water or Water/Fighting.
Pokabu - Fire Pig. Fire or Fire/Psychic. Maybe even Fire/Ground.
I've wanted a Bug/Dark type for a long time. Like a Black Widow Spider or something like that? That'd be awesome. (I wouldn't complain about a fully-evolved Bug/Ground type either :p)

Also, any new half-Ghost types would be great. Like Grass/Ghost, Fire/Ghost, Steel/Ghost. Anything, really. xD
I hope we get some good Poison Dual Types in general. All we've had is Grass, Flying, Ghost, and Water... I want some cool stuff like Fire, Ice, and Steel.
squirtli said:
I hope we get some good Poison Dual Types in general. All we've had is Grass, Flying, Ghost, and Water... I want some cool stuff like Fire, Ice, and Steel.

Fighting/Posion (crogunk) was pretty awesome. Just wish he had better stats and cooler signature poison moves. LOL poison punch!
Posion/Rock would be weird.
Some cool ones would be Dark/Dragon, Ice/Fire, Rock/Electric,and I agree with the Grass/Fire.

Ice/Fire......Furnice???? Furnace/Ice