Pokemon New Electabuzz Evolution!

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He would look like a crocodile with some extra stuff added.:)
What? No.
Huntail is a fish, and is in no way related to a crocodile. (He won't even evolve in the first place.)
No Huntail evo.

ChanseyMaster said:
What? No.
Huntail is a fish, and is in no way related to a crocodile. (He won't even evolve in the first place.)
No Huntail evo.


I did not know he was a fish because his card makes him look like a baby croc. That is the way he looks to me sorry guys my mistake.:)
Well, you can't really say that since Huntail evolved from a pearl with a face. But a crocodile would be really random.

A sea monster Pokémon would be awesome. I would like a proper kraken... Wait, we still need a squid Pokémon unless I'm forgetting something.

Oh yeah, probably Electabuzz evo. Cool, I like it. Kind of samurai-ish to me.
Urm... why is Eletabuzz now evolving? I quite liked Electabuzz, seems a shame to make him look like a Machamp crossed with an Elekid...
Does that mean Magmar will evolve too? Sorry if i'm repeating what other people have said, i just don't want to read through 9 pages of text^^ What about Pinsir? And would it be as big of a disapointment as Scizor? (Steel & Bug -shudders-).
O_O someone who doesn't like scizor!? That's a first.

It seems funny that before, Electabuzz was a basic pokemon, yet now (probably) he has a full evolution line.

I hope they evolve pinsir, that would put him back on par with scyther. Evolution of magma.. nu. Although it'll probably happen.
They SHOULD evolve Pinsir. In the original Red and Blue versions, those two were stated as life-long rivals.
pinser should not evolve, it has a rival pokemon, if it would get something, then it would be baby of both him and hera

and we still need pure basics...

but a pinser evolution would look nice
Pinsir's original rival was Scyther you know 0_o. but after they made Scyther an evolution, heracross got the job.

But it would be cool if htey both got evos or babies. Herastraight and Pinmam. :D

Arcanine out.
Yeah and there was a johto episode about it too between pinsir and scyther. The one where team rocket use the robo haracross or something to steal the sap from the trees and it caused the pinsir to go to the other side so then they fought and then the forest guy and ash got rid of them and everything was fine again.:)
All these machines team rocket has... you'd think they'd just sell a couple on ebay and spend the rest of their days in Majorca.

And heracross is as good enough as it is, an evolution would be an absolute monster!! O_O
I was telling you guy about how pinsir and scyther became rivals and I mentioned the episode about it too.:)
mhh, that was between pinser and heracross, one of the 1st johto episode, if scyter had a rival, it would be electrabuzz, like in the episode where we discover pika's secret love for ketchup

anyways, funny names RK9 274, but I was talking about a baby that can evolve into both (like tyrogue)
Oh yeah that's right it has been a long time since I have seen the johto episodes but I knew it was something like that and thanks for reminding me too because I forgot who it was between.:)
someone who doesn't like scizor!? That's a first

Well yeah, Scyther was already weak against fire because it was a bug type, so then they made it evolve through hard to get circumstances ((metal jacket thing AND a trade)) which then makes it doubley weak against fire.

To be honest though, i'm not a fan of Heracross either. I mean he looked cool but he could've been so much better. If he evloves, please don't be another steel/bug type... i don't think i could take the pain :p
They are both cool pokemon but their attacks are not that good.:)
I've never been to fond of Electabuzz... or Eleckid for that matter.
Although it does look like it could another evolution...

So if it is official.... then Awesome. ^^
Heracross is actually pretty awesome if you know how to use him.

Evolving a pokemon that has already been pre-evolved... I find that weird.
Oh don't me wrong, i think Scizor looked cool, but that was all i'm afraid.
Same with Heracross. When i found one in the game for the first time i was impressed, but then replaced it for Pineco.
Yeah this evolution is sure weird too.:)
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