BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

rockinpikachu said:
With a exclusive move called "ice impact" which has base 120 pwer with 75 accuracy. (kinda like Thunder but Ice and physical.

Blizzard's too close to that. 120/70 Ice type move? The only difference would be physical instead of special. Now if they made it 150/80 with recoil damage, THAT would be awesome.
Jynx, for one. As previously stated, it didn't get the same deserved attention as Electabuzz and Magmar and was doomed to dwell in the NU Tier.

Pinsir. An evo for Pinsir would be awesome.

Qwilfish also has a lot of potential as an evolved Pokemon. I feel like people don't give it enough recognition, either.


Remoraid Squid-evo variant.

Spinda, because we need an Uber-Panda.

Kadabra evo variant.
Stuff that's in the NU Tier should have some evolutions, provided they are unique. Jynx is one of them, she can evolve into a killer Ice/Psychic.

Unique means that they're not a water type with lame stats and has the name of Luvdisc...unless it requires me to use it as an evolution, or doubles the happiness while I walk like Soothe bell, it's staying firmly in my PC.

Others to consider:
Parasect (Give it a type combo that doesn't make it super weak to Aerial Ace and Flamethrower....)
Sunflora - first Grass/ can happen

Some underused:
Electrode (Electric/Fire) :D
Mr. Mime
Primeape maybe?

And for my own personal hope, Houndoom
sgtspontaneous said:
Stuff that's in the NU Tier should have some evolutions, provided they are unique. Jynx is one of them, she can evolve into a killer Ice/Psychic.

Unique means that they're not a water type with lame stats and has the name of Luvdisc...unless it requires me to use it as an evolution, or doubles the happiness while I walk like Soothe bell, it's staying firmly in my PC.

Others to consider:
Parasect (Give it a type combo that doesn't make it super weak to Aerial Ace and Flamethrower....)
Sunflora - first Grass/ can happen

Some underused:
Electrode (Electric/Fire) :D
Mr. Mime
Primeape maybe?

And for my own personal hope, Houndoom
this is exactly what im talking about. i want more pokemon to be in competitive battling. It makes competitive battlers like me have more fun.
HUH!!!! u forgot dewgong
CyndaquilMaster said:
Well there might be a Lapras Pre-Evolution but I hope not a final.
Maybe a Pinsir Evo and a Farfetch'd. I'd really like to see a Pinsir evo though.

lol when i first saw shellos i thought it was a pre evolution for lapras uhhh really i don't mind not having any new evolutions or pre evolutions like what PMJ said how about just a new batch of pokemon
we need some COMPLETELY new pokemon. why complicate old pokemon?
we need some dragons. like an ice dragon.
since i heard rumors about it i now really want an evolution for heracross, and also one for torkoal because a magazine falsely claimed he would come back with an evolution now i want one
safariblade said:
we need some COMPLETELY new pokemon. why complicate old pokemon?
we need some dragons. like an ice dragon.

I agree!... Need more fresh Pokemon!... Even so, I still want a new eeveeoultions

Oh, and nice idea... Ice Dragon would be a beautiful and elegant addition to my team XD
shinyluxray said:
i think a pinsir evolution would be nice and a shared prevolution for miltank and grumpig

o_O... When did Miltank and Grumpig go together? Anyway, Hatedisc :p
I once made a Fakemon... Panpow. It evolved from Spinda. XP

I NEED the following:
Mawile evo
Corsola evo
Sunflora evo
Xatu evo
New Rotom forms (Maybe like a car to fit in with the new region, that you could drive instead of Fly)
A way to obtain event Pokemon in-game
Jynx evo
Phantom Ruler said:
I think an evo to arbok would be nice.
Don't worry, according to 4Kids, Arbok evolves into Seviper!

I personally really want a fire/steel Torkoal evolution, he's fun to use through R/S/E and an evo with added steel typing (it just seems right) would be epic. We could also use a Sharpedo evo maybe, and Lanturn, and Pinsir, and Mawile, and Sableye, and Sandslash, and Swalot, Muk, eh you get the point...
lapras wont get a prevo because there are baby lapras shown in the anime
and raichu wont get an evo because there are already pichu, pikachu and raichu

i want a persian evo - dark/normal
and rapidash evo - fire/flying