BW/BW2 new fossils

I really want to see a Velociraptor considering they have made no dinosaur pokemon so far that i remember, and Velociraptors are awesome. And someone correct me if i'm wrong, isn't grovyle supposed to be based on the idea that dinosaurs evolved into feathered creatures?

i thought the shieldon and cranidos families(and aerodactyl) were dinosaurs....
what i meant by the velociraptor/t-rex thing was like a baby velociraptor that you ressurect from a fossil that evolves into a BA T-Rex
tyrannitard said:
i thought the shieldon and cranidos families(and aerodactyl) were dinosaurs....
what i meant by the velociraptor/t-rex thing was like a baby velociraptor that you ressurect from a fossil that evolves into a BA T-Rex
You're right. Forget what i said... And i don't see how a velociraptor can evolve into a T-rex...Maybe a Spinosaurus...? Now that would be BA. :p
I think Gen 3 had the worst fossil pokemon. Gen 1 was awesome. And I hope gen 5 has fast fossil pokemon.... I dont have a specific animal in mind... just somthing fast....
I would like to see a Dimetrodon. (It's a prehistoric reptile that walks on four legs and has a spiny sail on it's back). It could be a possible Fire/Rock type and have the tip of it's sail on fire or something.
I think that instead of having to take the fossils to a fossil ressurection lab/museum that you should be able to have a key item that allows you to ressurect the fossils yourself like how you do in the Spectrobes games, I think it would be awesome if they added a feature like that and they also made it to where there is more then two fossils per game.
Darkrai_Shadowforce said:
I want an Antlion , Bug/Ground and a Scarab , Bug/Dark or Bug/Fire (Yes, flare scarabs =)) ) fossils.

That would be awesome.

i dont really see why a scarab would be a fossil instead of a regular pokemon that u catch in the desert

Articon said:
Maybe an anklyosaurus, and a bronchiosaurus would be cool.

the ankylosaurus was my favorite dinosaur is a little kid but i thought that torterra was a world turtle/ankylosaurus
Velociraptor and Stegasaur would make me happy... though the fossils would probably somewhere farther along the timeline (like in the Ice Age)
I predict a saber-toothed tiger and a ankylosaurus. Also, is anyone annoyed when they slap a Rock typing on them. Personally, I think that 44.4...% of the time, their potential is immediately crushed if they become Water/Rock or Rock/Steel, with the exception of Aerodactyl, Armaldo, Cradily, and Rampardos. I don't see why a Pokemon resurrected from a fossil has to have a Rock type. It seems ridiculous.
TNR said:
I predict a saber-toothed tiger and a ankylosaurus. Also, is anyone annoyed when they slap a Rock typing on them. Personally, I think that 44.4...% of the time, their potential is immediately crushed if they become Water/Rock or Rock/Steel, with the exception of Aerodactyl, Armaldo, Cradily, and Rampardos. I don't see why a Pokemon resurrected from a fossil has to have a Rock type. It seems ridiculous.

Torterra is anklyosaurus. So with that in mind, I highly doubt another anklyosaur pokemon would be made.
+1,000,000 for the sabre-toothed tiger!

Hopefully they can be more creative and think up some more Rock-type combos. Like Dragon/Rock, Rock/Fighting or even Normal/Rock.
i want a sabertooth tiger and a dragon fossil and the key item so that you dont have to go to the research lab would be great
Personally, I'd like a Stegosaurus (or some type of defensive reptile) and an ancient fish.
brontosaurus and triceratops are two common dinosaurs that haven't been made fossils yet, but I guess Pokémon usually does pretty creative things. Speaking of which, they probably won't be doing a T-rex seeing as they already did a pachycephalosaurus
Don't bash me if you don't agree with me, but does anyone think that Ononosuku could potentially be from a fossil? Just a quick thought.
brontosaurus and triceratops are two common dinosaurs that haven't been made fossils yet, but I guess Pokémon usually does pretty creative things. Speaking of which, they probably won't be doing a T-rex seeing as they already did a pachycephalosaurus

i thought shieldon/bastiodon was a triceratops....

Articon said:
I thought torterra was a turtle.

its a world turtle and an ankylosaurus(the best dino evar!)