V’s are remixes of EX’s, which are loosely based off of ex’s; GX’s are loosely based off of ex’s as well, but have GX attacks which are original. Prism Star (and ACE Spec to a certain degree) are based off Pokémon Star, VMAX’s are similar to M EX’s but the two of them are distinct based off of HP gaps, prize differences and the “mega evolution ends turn” clause, Tag Teams are original, Break are remixes of Level X except for taking up the same slots as their standard counterparts, SP are remixes of trainers Pokémon from VS and the movie trainers Pokémon, Electrode from XY is a worse remix of Holos Pokémon, Delta Species are original and yet to be rereleased or remixed, Plasma are similar to Dark Pokémon but have no name clause, Trainers Pokémon from WOTC are original but in the same spirit as all other trainers Pokémon, Single and Rapid Strike Pokémon are remixes of Team Magma and Aqua Pokémon, Amazing Rare are original, and now we have V Union which are remixes of Legend. Missing any mechanics?